You Write Fanfics About Your Dad

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Joseph couldn't believe his eyes. The moment he laid his eyes on the man before him he knew that this man was meant to be his. "Mr. Kim." The man before him awkwardly looked up at him. "What are you doing in my office?"

Cory awkwardly looked around the office room. He forgot why he was in here. Then he finally remembered. He blushed slightly. "I-I'm here to give you your c-coffee." 

"Mr. Kim stop being so shy around me." Joseph smirked. "After all you shouldn't be so shy later when I-"

"Y/n what are you writing?" Mr. Kim, your history teacher, looked over your shoulder. 

"NOTHING!" You quickly closed your notebook. 

Mr. Kim chuckled as he walked to his desk smirking.


The vampire prince looked around the ballroom. This was the night he had to find a bride. "Sir?" The vampire prince, Damian, looked to his right to see the royal maid, Y/n. "See anyone yet?"

"Not yet." Damian looked ball at the guests. He soon meets the eyes of a well dressed man. He was wearing dark clothing, and he looked fairly bored. When he saw Damian though his frown turned into a smirk. "Hmm?" 

The man walked over, and the maid walked off to make a bet with her brother who was her butler. "Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but to come over to say hello." The man bowed.

"H-hello." Damian greeted. "You are?" 

"Earl Of Kim." The man replied.

 "Are you writing fanfics about dad again?" Your brother asked. "If so please stop making me the butler, and why is my character always making out with that stable boy character?"


Hugo never thought this would happen. "It's okay. You don't have to love me." Cory smirked as he puts his cigarette. "You never did, and most likely never will. You always hated me." Cory's eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at Hugo.

With that Cory turned, and walked into the rain. He didn't speak, and he didn't look back. 

That was the last time anyone saw him alive. 

One Year Later

"I love you." Hugo whispered as he hugged Cory's grave.

"Oh come on! Why did you have to kill me off?" Mr. Kim asked as he turned to look at you. "It was getting to the good part, and you killed me off!"

"Every good love hate story needs something to show the main character and the reader the shift in the love." You replied not really making sense.

"Since when did you start making sense?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Since I stopped listening to my brother." You replied.


Craig woke up not really remembering what happened the night before. His memory was a bit fuzzy. His head was hurting. "Ugh what happened?"

"Trying to sleep here." Craig quickly opened his eyes, and saw the guy next to him. Cory turned onto his side, and saw Craig. "Sup."

"Uhhh." Craig could't believe this. Did he sleep with this daughter's history teacher? He would never do this. He would never have a one night stand.

"Want something to eat?" Cory asked him as he stood up. He was wearing sweat pants.

"Boring!" Mr. Kim told you. "That's all you could come up with?" 

"I ran out of ideas!" You told him. "I have about ten others you could read."

"Ugh... Okay." Mr. Kim replied.


Robert felt Cory's arms around him. "You shouldn't love me... I shouldn't love you..."

"Why?" Cory cried a little. "Why can't you love me?" He asked.

"I.. I..." Robert didn't know how to reply. 

"Is it because I'm Jewish and your boss hates my kind?" Cory looked down about to cry even more.

Robert stayed silent about to cry himself.

"How did you know I was Jewish?" Mr. Kim asked you. 

"Lucky guess." You replied.

"Okay.... Why did you write your WWII report like that anyway? You know uh... A love story between your dad and I?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Killing two birds with one stone." You stated.

"Please tell me it isn't a real bird." Mr. Kim sighed.

"Can't promise anything."

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