They Misunderstand Something: Part Two

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"Yo dad I failed my midterms." You walk past your dad.

"What?!" Hugo yells spitting out it tea.

"No, but now you wont be mad when I tell you that I actually failed my math call." You walk out of your house.


"Y/n.... Where did you get all this money?" Your dad asked you. You had stacks of cash on your dresser. He thought you may have robbed a bank.

"Selling lemonade." You replied, and he nodded. He left your room, and your best friend looked at you. "What?"

"You're not going to tell him that you were running a bidding ring on your sisters' softball games?" They asked, and you shook your head no.


"Y/N!!!! IS THIS YOUR PREGNANCY TEST?????!!!!!" Your dad yelled from the bathroom. There was a negative pregnancy teat in the trash.

"It belongs to Chris!" You yelled back. "He lost a bet, and he was supposed to take one if he lost! 

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