Actual Teen Pregnancy

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You hugged your knees. You cried, and Everest passed your room. You didn't realize he was looking into your room. You looked at the pregnancy tests in your hand. You took multiple tests just to double check.

You were crying, and Everest saw the tests. "Y/n?" You quickly looked at Everest. For once he didn't sound annoying. He actually sounded like he cared. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing brat." You lied. Ev saw the tests in your hand. You tried to hide them, but Everest saw. "Please don't tell my dad."

"He won't have to." You and Everest both looked at the doorway to see Cory.

Oh shit.


You sat across from your dad and Cory. "You're pregnant? You sure!?" Joseph asked, and you nodded. Cory called your boyfriend Nick to come over.

So basically he could die any second. Nick looked at his lap in shame. "Sorry Dad." You whispered.

"Mr. Christiansen I promise to take care of Y/n and the baby." Nick told your father with a serious face. "I'm in love with her, and I will do anything to protect her."

You ended up grounded, and your dad didn't bale you cookies.

The evil dude.


So you broke up with your girlfriend after you found out. You and your ex got together the day right after you and Marco/Mono broke up. You explained what happened to her, and she completely understood.

"Hey Mono..." You called your ex boyfriend. "I got something to tell you."

"Will you take me back? Please say yes Y/n." You heard Mono beg. "Please my life sucks without you in it."

"Okay, but Mono this is important." You stated. "I'm pregnant with your kid."

You heard a crash. At first you thought it was from Mono, but when you turned around you saw Cory and Damian. Both of them looked completely shocked.


"Hey dad I'm pregnant for real this time! Bye see ya in ten years!" You started walking out of the room, but Cory stopped you. Lately he's been acting like a second dad. "Oh uh hey Cory."

"You're pregnant?" You nodded. "Get in the car. We're going shopping."

"For what?" You asked as you followed Cory.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "What do babies need?"

"Dude you are the one who dad four kids." You mumbled, and Cory shrugged.

All Hugo thought was 'is he really supporting the situation? He should be mad at her. Scolding her.'


"Dad I really am pregnant." You told Craig. He soon fainted.


"If he's dead can I bury the body?" Everest asked right when Craig woke up. "Never mind."

"You are pregnant!?" Craig asked you, and you nodded. Your boyfriend was next to you holding your hand. He isn't going to leave you.


"Yes 911! I'd like to report a murder." Your dad spoke into his phone right after you told him the big news. "Yes the murder of my daughter's boyfriend. It will be happening very soon. The reason is because he knocked her up."

Chris visited a few family members out of town for a few days after that.

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