The find out you have a boyfriend

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"Dad if you like it or not I'm dating Ernest." You tell him, and he drops his pan of cookies.

"What?" He asked with a shocked expression. Ernest stood next to you. "You're dating him?"


At school

"Did your dad really make you wear that?" Ernest asked you pointing at the shirt you were wearing.

It had your dad's fave on it with the words 'back off'.



You sat in your brother's room. "You're not old enough to have a boyfriend!" Your brother screeched.

"Why not? We're the same age, and you are." You point out.

"Yep, but that's not the point." He says ignoring the part were you implied he had a boyf. "You're my little sister."

"By fifteen minuets." You state. "Plus Mono is a good guy."

"Yeah, but-"

Lucien got cut of by your dad. "Wait you have a boyfriend?"

At school

"Bro you can stop you now." You say to your brother.

"No can do Y/n." He states as he glared at every guy you two passed. "Hey don't look at my sis like that!"

"I'm pretty sure they were looking at you." You mumbled.


"Hey dad." You greet your father when you walk into your house.

"Hello Y/n." Your father greets, and your brother walks into the room.

"Sup big bro." You greet Ernest. "So I got something to tell the two of you."

"What is it?" Hugo asks.

"I got a boyfriend. It's that Tamiki guy." You brother looks shocked.

"You finally got a boyfriend? That's shocking." He mumbled, and you slapped him in the back on the head when your dad wasn't looking.

"Tamiki is a nice boy. I approve." Your dad stated.


Your dad new the whole time. "Dad how did you know?" You asked him.

"Lucien already told his dad, and his dad told me." He explained.

"Stupid gossip!" You yell. Good thing you were outside. River even yelled along with you.

"Craaaaaaiiiig!" You guys heard some strange guy with a pink

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