You Have Your Period

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This was requested, and please read till the end. I have a question.


"I hate this fucking family!" You yell from your room.

"Well it's that time of the month." Joseph sighed. "Boys go to the store and pick up some ice cream, Cory buy Y/n some pads, and I'll make cookies."


"Y/n why are you acting like such a bitch?" Your brother asked.

"I don't know why you acting like a fucking dick sucking asshole?!" You yelled, and slammed your door shut.

"And now I know why." Your brother sighed.


"I don't wanna go to school!" You whined.

"Y/n you have to... Wait did you start your p-" Hugo got caught off .

"Yes dad." You replied.

"You may stay home today."


"I got you ice cream, pizza, pads, and I rented some movies." Your Cory told you.

"You're the best dad ever!" You grinned.

"What about me." Craig fake cried.


"Is she gone?" Chris whispered to your dad.

"I'm not sure.." He looked down the hallway to see you eating chocolate. You stare at him. He goes pale, and returns to his hiding spot. "She is." He told Chris.

A/n: Okay so this was kinda awkward to write. Now I got some questions!
1) How fo you feel about transgenders???

2) Who should I cosplay as??
Craig Tucker (South Park)
The Joker
Richie Tozier (IT)
My transgender Oc named Vex

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