Camping (Robert)

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"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaad." You whine, and your father looks over at you, Chris, and your friend Junko. "Can you help us with the tent?"

"Uh yeah sure." Robert replied, and tried to set the tent up. "Okay done." He stepped away from the tent.

"Dad... I don't think it supposed to look like that." You tell him as you look at the upside down tent.

Junko giggled and Chris tried not to laugh. "Yeah... I know." Your dad kicks it, and it goes upside up.

Hours later

We sat around the fire telling scary stories. "Okay okay my turn!" I turn on my flashlight, and place it under my chin. "Long long time ago there was a plantation right on this spot. The owner owned tones of slaves, and had a beautiful wife."

"Boring!" Junko laughed.

"You say that now." You tell her. "Anyway the owner's wife fell in love with one of the slaves. His name was Adam. One night the wife and Adam met up in secret. They were going to run away together. Well that was until the husband found out. He went into a jealous rage grabbing the first thing could reach, which happened to be a hammer for making horse shoes. He hit Adam in the head, and he died from internal bleeding. The wife she wasn't as lucky. Her husband raped her, and left her there on the ground. Ever since that night you can hear the wife crying for her beloved Adam."

I looked at my dad to see him hiding behind a sleeping bag. "C'mon it wasn't scary." Junko laughed.

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