You Play My Videogame

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"What the heck? What type of choice is this? Oh course I'll kill the rat!" Your character killed the rat.


"I'm not going to help you. You ruined the balance of nature." The shaman told your character.

"Uuuuuugh I knew I shouldn't have killed that rat!" You threw your controller.


"Okay hopefully no one dies." You said as your started the game. "Huh okay so there are two goth girl characters, a bad boy asian teen, a bitch named Linda, a little brother that wasn't even invited to the road trip, a gay guy, and a Wyatt. Yeah someone's going to die."


"You are not going on that trip! You could get lost or your car could break down in the middle of nowhere!" The first playable character's mom yelled at her.

"Huh is this foreshadowing?" You questioned.


"I was right." You sighed as the character's car broke down.


"Hey that character as the same name as my dad." You laughed at the Asian character.


"OH DON'T DIE CRAIG! NO HE DIED!" You yelled, and your dad ran into the room.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Your dad asked.

"You died in my videogame." You stated. "I accidentally killed you off."

"How could you do that? I feel almost betrayed." Craig stated.


"Dad you got to check this game out! It has a haunted opera house that was later turned into a jazz club in the 1920s, but was later abandoned after the town was set on fire." You told your dad.

"Move aside this is my type of game." Your dad got a controller.


"What do you mean game over!? Everyone fucking lived! Was one supposed to die!?" Robert yelled at the TV.

Even later

"No way." You watched your dad as he got the true game ending. "No fucking way."

"What does this even mean!? Am i dead? Is that a trick mirror?! Is it actually a small window, or is this character crazy and seeing things?" Robert stood up. "Can you hand me my phone?"

"Why dad?" You questioned as you handed him his phone.

"I'm calling a certain game theorist to see if he can figure out this ending." Your dad mumbled.

"Dad for the last time you don't know Matpat." You crossed your arms.

"I do too!"

A few weeks later

You saw a Game Theory update about the game your dad was playing.

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