You Find The Murderer/You Get Kidnapped

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This is for all of them. Sorry if this sucks.

You looked around your class thinking. Someone was blaming the murders on your dad. The question is what?Your dad's trial was in a few days, and you had to find the real killer. 

"Who do you think it is?" Calum and Cody asked you.

"I'm not sure." You mumbled. "I just know it's not dad."

"Yeah." Chance nodded. "Why would he kill? It can't be him." 

"We need to find out. What knew all of the victims?" Cody asked as he wrapped his pink cardigan tightly around him.

"Um dad..." You mumbled. "But also, Eric Carter, Tony Barker, and that weird guy James... Just James..."

"Just James." Calum chuckled.

"How can you laugh at this? There's a murder out there!" You whisper shouted at him.

"How about this Calum you talk to this James guy, Cody talk to Eric, and Y/n and I will talk to Tony." Chance ordered, and we all nodded.


Calum walked over to James feeling a little nervous. James was the weirdest guy at their school. He was also known to be a little... Crazy. "Calum Calum Calum." 

Calum looked at James. "Uh hi? I have a few questions to ask."

"It's about the murders?" James ased, and Calum looked shocked. How did he now? "I'll tell you the same thing I told the cops when they showed up about my sister."

"Wait... Sister?" Calum was confused. "Who was your sister?"

"Allison. Allison Shaw." James stated. "I have nothing to do with her death, and I don't think Y/n's dad did it. He's a good guy. He actually saved my life."

"Um okay." Calum started walking to the cafeteria to meet up with you, and his brothers.

Near Eric's locker.

"Why did I have to get stuck with Eric Carter?" Cody ased himself as he walked up to the school football captain. Eric was known to have a temper, and he dated Carmen McFarland up until her death. 

"What do you want?" Eric ased rudely as Cody walked up to him. 

"I.... I.... I." Cody didn't know what to say. Eric was way taller than him, and Cody was scared. What him Eric was the killer!? Would Cody be the next victim? 

"Well?" Eric asked again.

"Are you the killer?" Cody asked

In the cafeteria

You and Chance sat across from Tony Barker. He looked at the two of you slightly confused. "How can I help you?" 

"Cut the crap. Did you murder those girls?" Chance slammed his hands on the cafeteria table. You and Tony both jumped a little. "You new the victims, and your sister was murdered the same way last year."

"How did you now that?" You asked. Chance moved here just seven months ago.

"Did some snooping during computer tech class." Chance stated. 

"That's crazy. Why would I murder them? They were my friends, and leave Diane out of this." Tony ordered. "I would never hurt them. Heck I even cried after watching Toy Story 3! I would never hurt a soul." 

"Oh really?" Chance asked as he narrowed his eyes. "That's what they always say. How did you get that cut on your cheek?"

"If you really did your research than you would know I was there when my sister died! The killer cut me as I found a place to hide! The only crime I committed was letting Diane die!" Tony grabbed his backpack, and left the room. 

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