»»----- Alone -----««

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Gonna change the test of courage thing a teeeeeensy bit c:


I created myself a platform I sat down on it, legs crossed with Star in my lap. I floated us outside and towards the outdoor eating area from last night. I set Star down and approached an empty station. I gathered a few ingredients and began preparing a pot of stew. I chopped the necessary ingredients. Suddenly, Bakugou appeared and began chopping carrots next to me.
"Hey, what's up with you and that half n' half bastard?" he asked, a smirk visible on his face. I felt my face grow warm as I thought about what had happened back at the cabin.
"N-nothing." I replied. Why did I stutter?!
"Sureee." he said. It almost sounded as if he was accusing me of something. "Why don't you two date already?"
"It's really not like that!" I exclaimed, my face turning red again. "Hey, you're pretty good at cooking, where'd you learn to cook like that?" I asked, trying desperately to change the topic.
"What? Never seen a man cook before?" he asked, rolling his eyes. I shook my head.
"Nope. Sho-chan tried once, but he ended up making a mess." I said.
"Hasn't your dad ever cooked for you or something?" he asked. A frown made its way onto my face and his eyes widened.
"Oh shit.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to." he said. I shook my head,
"No. It's fine. I'm used to it." I sighed and stared up at the sky. "I don't remember too much about him from before the whole villain thing happened... but up until I got my quirk, he was a pretty good dad... I wonder what happened..." I said, staring at a passing cloud. We cooked in silence for the rest of the evening.

Once I had finished the stew, I brought it over to my table of friends. I filled up bowls and handed them out. I sighed as I realized I had made too much food yet again. I emptied the pot into 4 extra bowls and placed them on the neighboring table.

"I made too much, you guys can have it if you want." I said. I flashed a smile before returning to my table.

"Y/N-channn." whined Ochaco-chan
"Is something wrong?" I asked, looking at my bestie. She threw her hands up in the air dramatically.
"We're supposed to be doing a test of courage later!" she exclaimed. "It's going to be really scary." she said, pouting a little.
"Really? In the forest? But it's dark! What if someone gets lost?" I questioned, gazing out into the sea of darkness.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you." said Sho-chan, a smirk on his face. My face turned red and I heard Ochaco-chan giggling beside me. We finished our food and made our way towards the forest with the others. Star sat on Sho-chan's head. I pouted a little, feeling slightly betrayed.

"Now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dishes!" exclaimed Pixie-bob. "Next..."
"It's time for a test of courage!" cheered Mina-chan.
"We're gonna test it!" yelled the bakusquad, minus Bakugou who didn't seem like he cared.
"Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having class with me now." announced Aizawa. The group's expressions immediately dropped and I watched as they followed Aizawa, shoulders drooping. I heard their agonized yells as Aizawa dragged them away.

"Okay, so class B will be the first scarers." explained Pixie-bob. "Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your name written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you."
"Revelry in the dark..." muttered Tokoyami.
"Those being scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your quirks." stated Pixie-bob.
"The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!" announced Tiger.
"Stop it. That's filthy." said Kyoka-chan.
"I see! They're trying to make us refine our ideas by making us compete with each other, giving us more options for our quirks in the process! As expected of UA!" said Iida. He's thinking way too deep into this... I sweat dropped at Iida's statement.
"Now, you'll draw lots to determine your partners!" exclaimed Pixie-bob. She held a cluster of papers in her paw.

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