»»----- Bastard -----««

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Todoroki's POV

I placed my phone back in my pocket only to take it out again as I felt it vibrate.

Hey, Todoroki-kun, do you want to hang out after the exams? Maybe go to a café?

I looked up from my phone and glanced towards the black haired girl. Her face was painted pink as she looked down at her phone. I turned towards Y/N.

"Hey." I said, tapping on her shoulder. She looked up at me curiously. "Do you mind if I accompany you to the airport?" I asked.
"My flight leaves at midnight. I don't want you staying up late." she replied, shaking her head.
"I won't stay forever, just to drop you off at the airport." I stated. She thought for a moment before nodding her head with a sigh.
"I guess I can't convince you to stay." she said, a smile on her face. "You can come with me, but you need to get back to the dorms as soon as possible, okay?" I replied with a nod before turning back towards my phone.

I'm accompanying Y/N to the airport this evening. I won't be able to hang out with you.


I furrowed my brows as I felt a hostile presence. I glanced around the room until my gaze landed on Momo-chan. She was glaring at me as if I had offended her great-grandmother. I tilted my head in confusion as I stared back. She narrowed her eyes at me before turning to face a different direction. I let out a sigh before turning to face Sho-chan.

"Sho-chan." I said, tugging on the sleeve of his hero costume. "Did I do something that would make Momo-chan mad at me?"
"Not sure." he replied with a shrug. I nodded my head and looked towards the screen that showed the newly destroyed arena. What did I do?

"Don't let it bother you." said Sho-chan.
"But I can't just ignore this..." I mumbled. "I don't want to be on bad terms with anyone. Especially when I don't know what I did wrong..."
"You did nothing wrong."
"Then why is she mad at me?"
"It's probably just a misunderstanding."
"Are you sure?"

Sho-chan was cut off by a loud yell.

"Midoriya!" yelled both Grape Boy and Pikachu. They looked furious.
"Huh?!" questioned Izu-kun as he was tackled to the ground by the walking grape and Pikachu.
"What were you doing, bastard?!" yelled Grape Boy. "When the rest of us were working so hard!"
"Were you making light of life just because it was during a test?!" questioned Pikachu.
"O-ow, stop that! What?!" exclaimed a genuinely confused and panicked Izu-kun.
"Don't play dumb!" cried Grape Boy. "What did you do with that person over there!?" I followed Grape Boy's finger towards a girl from Shiketsu Academy. I watched as she waved towards the trio. "That's a greeting exchanged secretly by a man and a woman after they've progressed to a certain point in their relationship!" exclaimed Grape Boy. I let out a frustrated sigh as I saw Izu-kun be basically tortured for something when he had no clue as to what was going on. I strode towards the trio and held up Grape Boy by his wrist and Pikachu by his ear.

"Both of you need to stop." I said in an irritated tone. "She waved. Are you telling me that if I waved towards a squirrel, I'm dating it?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Y-you don't understand!" exclaimed Kaminari. "He was seen naked with her!" I pinched his ear tighter.
"It's her quirk." I stated, taking a deep breath so I wouldn't murder them out of frustration. "She can disguise herself as others. I don't know the exact details, but she used her quirk to change her appearance, basically making her targets impossible to hit. She wasn't naked she simply had her appearance changed."
"H-How did you know all that?" asked Izu-kun.
"Oh! Um..." How do I cover this up? "There are cameras set up throughout the arena. I was simply able to watch." I lied. I can't show off all the tricks I have up my sleeve, can I?
"O-ow.." whined Pikachu. "Y-Y/N w-we're sorry. Can you let us go, please?" I glared at him for a second before releasing his ear.
"A hero would gather information first before accusing someone." I stated. "Don't tell me your training was for nothing."
"No! I improved a lot!" exclaimed Pikachu.
"In terms of fighting, yes." I replied. "But with your mindset? Not much." I let out a sigh. "The standards for heroes have been raised ever since All Might stepped down. I'm sorry if I'm being rough on you guys. I'm just anxious for the future."
"It's alright, Y/N." said Grape Boy. "I'll forgive you if you let me squeeze your breasts." He wore a greedy smirk on his face.
"I can murder you with my eyes closed. Don't test me." I stated, glaring down at him.
"Then I guess I won't be forgiving you any time soon." said Grape Boy.
"Also, wouldn't it be assassination?" questioned Pikachu.
"It's only assassination if the person who died is someone important." I stated with a shrug. "It's murder if only the victim's family and close friends would bat an eyelash." I then left the group of trio and returned to my position next to Sho-chan.

I furrowed my brows as a group of students from Shiketsu approached Bakugou and Kirishima. Are they going to start fighting? Will I need to murder someone? Sho-chan placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't murder anyone." he said with a sigh.
"Can you read my mind?" I asked.

"Bakugou." said one of the students. "Did you see Shishikura - the guy whose eyes look like slits?"
"Yeah. I knocked him out." replied Bakugou.
"That's what I thought." said one of the students. "I think he probably acted rudely. He must have caused offense. He has the tendency to impose his own values on others." Is this an apology? "He probably couldn't help himself after seeing you, since you're pretty famous. I would like to build a good relationship with UA. I apologize on his behalf."

"'Good relationship...'" muttered Sho-chan. A small grin made its way onto my face. Sho-chan looked down at me with a questioning stare.
"'A good relationship,' huh?" I muttered to myself. "The hostility they were displaying a while ago doesn't seem to match his statement. Looks like the 'Crushing of UA' isn't over yet."
"What do you mean?" questioned Sho-chan.
"Lies." I replied, looking towards the group. "Just... Blatant lies..."

"Hey, you with the shaved head." said Sho-chan suddenly as he walked towards Yoarashi. "Did I do something to you?" Yoarashi turned around and gave Sho-chan a menacing glare. Instinctively, I rushed towards Sho-chan's side. We both stared up at Yoarashi who was much taller than the both of us. I'm standing next to a giant and in front of a titan... Why did life have to make me shorter than them?!
"Well, I'm sorry, son of Endeavor..." said Yoarashi. Endeavor's name rolled off his tongue like venom. "...but I hate you guys. You've changed a bit since back then, but your eyes are the same as Endeavor's." Sho-chan's eyes went wide and my hands curled into fists.
"Hey..." I muttered, holding back the anger inside of me. "Never compare him to that bastard." A few gasps were heard around the room. All of them were from my classmates. Ochaco-chan rushed up to us and placed a hand on my left shoulder while Sho-chan placed a hand on my right.

"Y/N-chan?!" questioned Ochaco-chan. "D-Did you just swear?!"
"Yes. I. Did." I stated, my gaze focused on Yoarashi. "To me, Endeavor is a monster; a horrible, vile, disgusting, revolting fake." I stated before lifting a hand to point at Sho-chan. "Sho-chan is not a monster!" Yoarashi blinked at me in shock. I took a deep breath, regaining my composure. "I'm sorry for going off like that." I stated. "I've had enough people soiling my day. I respected you because of your passion towards becoming a great hero, but I don't know if I can look at you with the same respect. You're powerful in both mind and strength, yet you simply judged him because of his origins. Are you going to judge me too? Because if you're going to relate Sho-chan to Endeavor, then you might as well call me a villain." My voice was cold and steady. "They're the ones I practically spent my entire life with. Why don't you just say I was raised by them and call me a villain just like the rest of my haters?" Yoarashi blinked at me. He was at a loss for words. "It's fine. Go ahead. I won't get mad."

"Yoarashi, what's wrong?" asked a student from Shiketsu.
"Nothing, sir!" exclaimed Yoarashi, reverting to his spastic persona. He walked towards his classmate, leaving me, Sho-chan, and Ochaco-chan to stare at his retreating figure. I unfurled my clenched fists and let out a tired sigh.
"I need some time to think." I stated before walking towards a refreshment table. I picked up a plastic cup of water and held it to my lips, taking small sips as I reflected on what had just happened.

I completely lost my composure back there... I was upset... Sure, Sho-chan's left eye might be the same color as Endeavor's, but that's just... despicable... Why would an aspiring hero judge someone just because of their parents? My dad's a villain, that doesn't make me a villain... does it?

I finished the drink and tossed the cup in a nearby bin which I hoped would be recycled later. Suddenly, a loud ringing sound echoed throughout the room.

"Villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack!" said Mera. "This is occurring in all area of 'City Name Here.' Due to buildings collapsing, there are many injured."

"This is the scenario for the exercises, huh?" questioned Tsu-chan.
"Huh? Then..." began Kyoka-chan.
"It's starting." stated Tsu-chan.

"Due to heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers have been delayed!" announced Mera as the building we were in began unfolding just like the first one. "Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well, then... Start!"


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