»»----- 10 Million -----««

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"Y/N-chan, are you sure you're comfortable with wearing that?" asked Ochaco-chan as she eyed the outfit I had chosen yesterday.

"Y/N-chan, are you sure you're comfortable with wearing that?" asked Ochaco-chan as she eyed the outfit I had chosen yesterday

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"Of course I'm not." I said with a sigh. "My chest is freaking exposed!"
"I for one, think it's quite fitting on you. Perfect for a slut." came a voice.
"Shut up, Dion, keep driving." I growled. He rolled his eyes and continued to focus on the road.
"No one asked for your input." stated Ochaco-chan. We were in a car being driven towards the structure. To our luck, or lack thereof, Dion was escorting us there. When the car eventually came to a stop, Ochaco-chan and I immediately rushed out.

"Thank goodness we're out of that car." said Ochaco-chan as she stretched her arms. "I don't know how much longer I'd be able to last without kicking him out." I laughed and turned towards the tall building beside us.

"Sakura!" called a voice. I turned to face someone that had been planted here to assist in the mission. "It looks like you're mostly ready for the mission. Let's get you in position." I followed the woman to a door off to the side. I waved 'bye' to Ochaco-chan before stepping inside.

Todoroki's POV

I watched as Y/N was led inside.

"Uraraka." I called, catching the girl's attention. Let's get on a roof."
"Uhh how?" questioned Uraraka. She had the laptop in her hands and the earpiece attached to her ear.
"Leave that to me." said a voice. Hawks approached us and grabbed both of us by the collars of our shirts. He flew us upwards and set us down on a nearby roof.

"Alright, Todoroki, it's your job to protect me, so do your job." said Uraraka as she began setting up the laptop.
"I'm not allowed to use my quirk, so you should be the one doing the protecting." I stated.
"You're better at hand to hand combat than me, so have fun Mr. Masked Dude." said Uraraka. On the other roofs, I could see countless police officers and a few heroes dotted into the mix. This must be a very important mission.

We sat on the roof for an hour or so until I heard Uraraka make a noise. I turned my head towards her to find her eyes completely focused on the screen.

"It's starting."

I rushed to her side and watched as well. My eyes went wide as the first girl was guided onto the stage from behind a curtain. We couldn't hear what was being said, but she looked horrified. She wore very little clothing and her hair draped down her sides. One at a time, people raised signs into the air until eventually, one was deemed the winner. Once it was done, the final bidder rose from their seat and escorted the girl off of the stage and out of the structure where they were caught and detained by the stationed police officers.

"Oh god... That's horrible... I can't believe this is actually happening." muttered Uraraka.

The second girl was guided in. Our eyes widened as our earpieces crackled to life. We were now able to hear what was happening inside, however that became background noise when Y/N's voice could be heard.

"Are you joking me?!" she asked.
"Look, I know it's not ideal, but-" began a voice in the background.
"Fine! Do whatever you want! Once we save the people that were kidnapped, you'd better hope I don't see your face ever again." stated Y/N.

"What does Dion want now..." grumbled Uraraka.
"I still haven't seen this Dion kid." I stated.
"17 year old jerk. Nothing else needs to be said." replied Uraraka. I nodded my head and returned my focus to the screen.

Several more people went by, each bidder being captured and the person being set free. By now, there had been 4 males and 5 females; every single one of them was either already in tears or scared out of their minds. At first, I questioned why they were all being introduced in Japanese, but Uraraka explained that it was a Japanese based organization, but was stationed in Paris.

"And now... for the finale!" rang out the voice of the auctioneer. My eyes widened and my hands curled into fists as I watched Y/N get dragged onto the stage. Her hands were cuffed and the cuffs were attached to a long chain. The male dragging her along pulled roughly on the chain, causing her to stumble a bit.

"This kinky little-" Y/N's voice could be heard on the other end of the device. She took a few calming breaths as she was led to the center of the stage. Her eyes glared and pierced into the souls of anyone who would look her way.

"We have a young girl who looks exactly like pro hero Sakura! She is quirkless, but is willing to put up a fight!" cheered the voice.

"So this is what Dion convinced her into..." muttered Uraraka with a groan.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Remember when she was arguing with someone? She was arguing with Dion. The boy that just dragged her onto the stage? That's him. He must've convinced her into wearing the handcuffs." stated Uraraka.

"The starting bid is 1 million euros." stated the auctioneer. Several signs immediately shot up.
"1.5 million!"
"2 million!"
"2.5 million!"
"What's this?! 5 million!" The bidders were stunned into silence. I watched as another sign was raised.
"T-Ten million!" shouted the auctioneer. "Going once, going twice, sold! To Mr. Hayate!" My hands were trembling as the male rose from his seat and walked towards the stage. He reached a hand out to Y/N who smacked it away.

"Follow me." stated the male.
"Yes, follow the old man to certain death." scoffed Y/N. I was ready to freeze the entire building when I saw Dion hand the chain over to Hayate. Hayate tugged harshly on it and Y/N began following behind him.

"I swear these kinky little jer-" began Y/N.
"What was that?" rang out a cold voice which I could only assume was Hayate. I watched through the cameras as Y/N was led out of the building through a backdoor. After that, we lost visual of her.

"Umm... Todoroki..?" questioned Uraraka in a cautious tone. "You're making a mini iceberg." I looked to my right and quickly melted the growing mound of ice.
"If something happens to Y/N, I swear I'll make that Hayate bastard pay..." I grumbled.
"Y/N will be fine." said Uraraka. "She could snap his neck right now if she wanted to, but just let her follow through with her plan. The moment she's done pretending to be weak, he'll regret ever coming across her. For now, our job is done."

Where am I going with this? Who knows? I don't even know! We'll figure this out eventually. xD Also, I have like eight ideas for fanfics, but when I looked through them, I realized they were all Todoroki x Reader... hOw DoES tHIs HaPpEN??

Also... I received another fanart by NekoNikoNee!

It's soo cute! I literally wheezed after reading the words surrounding To- Mr

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It's soo cute! I literally wheezed after reading the words surrounding To- Mr. Masked Dude. 😂Thank you very much~ 💕❤

For those of you that have been wondering how to send me fanart, you can create a story, upload the fanart to the story, then tag me, or email it to me at: luanomicon@gmail.com along with your wattpad tag. (Only if you want to be tagged/have it posted at the end of a chapter, of course)

Thank you~ 💞💕❤💖

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