»»----- Deal -----««

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The moment Sho-chan left, Recovery Girl began teasing me about him.

"I think you two would look great together~" She sang.
"I told you it's not like that!!" My hands covered my reddening face.
"Really? Then why do you call him 'Sho-chan'?" She asked, smiling deviously.
"I-it's just a nickname!!" I yelled back. "A-anyways, I need to go! His match is probably starting soon!" I turned to leave the temporary infirmary. Just as I was about to close the door behind me, I heard Recovery Girl's voice.
"Good luck! Go get your man!" She called. I quickly slammed the door and bolted for the seats.

I returned to my seat to find Sho-chan sitting next to it. Remembering all the things Recovery Girl had just said, my face flushed red. I went to sit down next to the two-toned male. He looked at me questioningly and I simply avoided eye contact.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.
"Nope!" I replied quickly.
"You said I could tell you whenever something was wrong and now you're not going to tell me?" He asked, jokingly.
"I said it was nothing!"
"Alright, Miss Tomato Face."
"W-what did you call me?!"
"Miss Tomato Face."
"I hate you..."
"No you don't."
"You're right..."

We both began laughing. After we finally stopped laughing, our eyes focused towards the arena. Both Iida and Tokoyami had won their rounds, and it was the middle of Bakugou and Kirishima's battle. Kirishima sent a barrage of attacks in Bakugou's direction. After a while, the tables turned and Bakugou was delivering explosions left and right, leaving Kirishima no room to counter. After sending explosion after explosion, Bakugou sent a final blast which left Kirishima unconscious. The final four were Iida, Tokoyami, Sho-chan, and Bakugou. I watched as Sho-chan got up to leave for the arena.

"Do your best, Sho-chan!!" I called. He turned around and gave me a nod before leaving.

I watched as he entered the arena. He was going up against Iida. He sent a wave of ice towards him the moment the match began. At that moment, Iida began running around. Sho-chan touched the ground with his right hand and sent another wave of ice at Iida. Iida quickly shifted directions and dodged the incoming attack. He was surrounded by ice. The only way out would be over or through Sho-chan. Sho-chan sent a wave of ice directly at Iida. However, Iida launched himself into the air, dodging the attack. Iida has launched himself at Sho-chan and prepared to kick him in the face, but Sho-chan quickly ducked, evading the kick. Iida aimed to kick him again. This time from behind. Sho-chan didn't have a chance to dodge and was rammed into the ground by Iida's leg. I winced at the impact. Iida the grabbed Sho-chan by the back of his shirt and was ready to fling him out of bounds. Before he could do so, Sho-chan froze the engines on his leg. He took Iida's moment of shock to freeze his entire body. With that, Sho-chan advanced onto the next round.

I ran down to the arena's exit, waiting for Sho-chan. The moment I saw him, I gave him a big hug.

"You did great, Sho-chan!" I exclaimed.
"Of course I did, you were watching." He replied. "I wouldn't want to disappoint you." He said with a shrug.
"I would've been proud of you no matter what! Win or lose, I'd still be proud of you for making it this far!" I grabbed his hand. "Now come on! We need to watch the next round!" I dragged him back to our seats as the next match began. Bakugou was against Tokoyami.

I watched as Bakugou sent a huge explosion at Dark Shadow. Tokoyami acted as a shield against Bakugou's explosion. It looked like Tokoyami was certain to win, but I knew better.

"Dark Shadow is getting weaker from the explosions..." I muttered to myself. "They are creating so many flashes of light that Dark Shadow will need a while to recover after this is over."

"Stun Grenade!" I watched as Bakugou let out a blinding explosion. When the smoke from the blast had gone away, I saw Tokoyami pinned to the ground by Bakugou.

"I give up..." said Tokoyami, and the battle was over.

"He's so strong..." I said to no one in particular.
"Is he stronger than me?" Sho-chan asked.
"I wouldn't say he's stronger... but if anything he's more persistent." I said. I rested my elbows on my knees and rested my head on the palms of my hands.
"Do you think he'll beat me?"
"Not if you do your best"
"That's reassuring..."
"You make it sound like if you lose, all hell will break loose." I said, laughing.
"If you could consider my dad hell, then yes..."
"Don't worry about him, if he keeps his word then he won't be a jerk to you anymore..." I mumbled to myself.
"Don't tell me that's what you meant when you told him not to forget about 'the deal.'"
"Umm.... Nooooo...?" I said, giving him a nervous smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about..." I avoided eye contact.
"What was the deal?"
"Well... You see... umm..."
"You don't plan on telling me, do you?"
"It's not that I don't want to... I just don't think I should." I replied, avoiding his gaze.
"Is it a deal you might regret in the future?" I looked down. I hope it isn't.


I leaned into Endeavor's ear. I wanted to make a deal. A deal that would free Sho-chan.

"If I win, you leave Sho-chan alone about everything. You stop bothering him about *your* dream and let him do whatever the heck he wants. He won't have to listen to anything you say ever again." He looked at me for a second.
"You expect me to abandon everything altogether?" He asked back, hidden fury in his voice.
"If you win, I'll encourage Sho-chan to use his fire."
"That's more like it." He said, grinning. "Looks like my son will be using *my* side sooner than I expected." He wore a sinister smile on his annoying face.


"Y/N!" Sho-chan's voice shook my thoughts.
"Uhhh.. yeah?" I asked, not knowing what had just happened. Sho-chan sighed.
"I asked about the deal you made."
"I made a deal that wasn't mine to make..."
"What do you mean?"
"I should've asked you about it first..."
"Come on Y/N.. just tell me."
"The deal was... if I won, your dad would leave you alone about all this surpassing All Might stuff..."
"...and what would happen if you lost?"
"I would... encourage you to use your fire..." A feeling of sadness overwhelmed me. I knew I shouldn't have made that gamble even if I knew fully well that I'd win.
"That's it?" he asked. I stared at him, dumbfounded.
"What do you mean that's it? If I lost then I would have to make you use your fire!"
"But you knew you'd win."
"I knew I'd win but... It wasn't something I should've done without your permission..." I let out a sigh.
"And here I was thinking you'd have to give up your dreams of being a hero or something." He said. "If anything I should be thanking you. Why would you pick a fight with my dad just so I could get my freedom?"
"Who wouldn't?" I said, laughing lightly. "The reason why I was slightly worried is that I've already used my quirk a lot today. Not to mention I just woke up from my coma in the middle of the cavalry battle. My headache has been killing me."
"You should rest then."
"But your match is about to start!"
"Fine. You can rest after the match." I gave him a smile as he stood up to enter the arena.
"Good luck Sho-chan!" I called, making sure he would be able to hear me. He gave me a small grin before turning back around.


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