»»----- Plan B -----««

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The four of us turned our heads to see Momo-chan, Tsu-chan, Kyoka-chan, and Shoji approaching us.
"I didn't expect any less from the four of you." stated Tsu-chan.
"What about the others?" asked Kyoka-chan.
"They haven't come yet." I answered, smiling at the group. "We were the first, then you guys came."
"I see. They're not here yet, huh?" stated Shoji.
"Weren't you all working together?" asked Sho-chan.
"We were, but we got split up by the quirk of someone from Ketsubutsu Academy..." muttered Momo-chan.
"Not that many people left..." muttered Kyoka-chan.
"I hope everyone can pass." said Tsu-chan.
"Trust me." I said, smiling. "They will."
"How can you be so sure?" asked Momo-chan, her voice sounded as if she was accusing me of something.
"They're heroes. I've been watching you guys train. Everyone is striving for the top, even if a few don't seem like it." I stated. "I'd be shocked if not everyone in our class passed."
"You're either underestimating the other schools or overestimating us." said Momo-chan.
"I don't over or underestimate unless it comes to food." I stated, remembering the feast I made when we went to the beach.
"And how much sleep you need to stay awake the next day." added Sho-chan. "You keep underestimating that, and I have no idea how many times I'll need to keep telling you to go to bed."
"Maybe there are important things I need to get done before I go to sleep." I stated, crossing my arms.
"By 'important things' do you mean the vines that you've been watching for hours on end?" asked Sho-chan while rolling his eyes.
"What?!" I asked. "They're funny!"
"No. A girl saying 'I'm in me mum's car. Broom. Broom.' is not funny." stated Sho-chan in the most unamused voice I've ever heard while deadpanning. Both Ochaco-chan and I began laughing.
"Maybe you don't find it amusing, but we do. Plus, that one is iconic." said Ochaco-chan. I flinched as my phone rang in the pockets I got added on to my hero costume. I answered the call and held the phone to my ear.

"Sakura. We have obtained more information regarding the mission you will be taking. For now, the schedule states that you will be landing in Paris, France at around midnight tomorrow." stated the voice. "There is an event happening two days after you arrive. Meaning, the real mission begins on Monday."
"Alright." I said. "Please email me the details so I can review them on the plane ride there." I said.
"Will do." replied the voice before hanging up. I sighed as I returned my phone to my pocket.

"Y/N-chan, how busy is life as the number two hero?" asked Ochaco-chan.
"It should be busy, but not this busy." I replied. "Our current number one hero is a slacker, so I take up a large majority of the missions that he's supposed to take. Heck, I'm not even supposed to leave Japan for any of the missions I'm given, let alone Tokyo! That's Endeavor's job!" I groaned as I rested my head in my palms. "Freaking Endeavor... If he can't live up to the title of number one hero, then he should step down. He's causing more trouble for others, not just me. The other higher ranked heroes' work loads has multiplied ever since he stepped up."
"You seem to not like Endeavor..." said Izu-kun with a nervous laugh.
"Y/N, do you really think it's okay to insult Todoroki's dad in front of him?" asked Momo-chan in a reprimanding voice. She stared down at me as if I had just committed treason. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Kyoka-chan glancing nervously between me, Momo-chan, and... Sho-chan..? Why?
"I believe people should be able to speak their views regardless of what others think." I stated, staring up at her. "And my views just happen to include how lowly I think of Endeavor."
"Come to think of it, didn't you literally fight with Endeavor during the sports festival?" asked Ochaco-chan.
"He hit a nerve." I said with a shrug. "Plus, we made a bet." Izu-kun turned to face Sho-chan.
"What did you think when you saw Y/N humiliate your dad?" he asked.
"Both you and Y/N know that answer best." replied Sho-chan. My eyes widened and I glanced back and forth between the two. I took out my phone and sent Sho-chan a text message.

Flower Queen:
Does Izu-kun know about how much of a dirt bag your dad is?

I told him a while ago.

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