»»----- Apple Bunnies -----««

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"Y/N, you have visitors." called Recovery Girl as she opened the door to my hospital room. I watched as my classmates rushed inside.

"Y/N!" cried Ochaco-chan as she ran ahead of the others.
"They wanted to come..." grumbled Sho-chan.
"Hello." I greeted my classmates with a smile. "What are you guys doing here? Isn't there class today?"
"I convinced your mom to let us out of class." laughed Ochaco-chan.

"I knew it." grumbled a voice from behind them. Aizawa was standing in the doorway.
"Y/N!" exclaimed a voice.
"Eri? I was told you were in quarantine." I said with a laugh as she ran towards the bed.
"Are you feeling better? Aizawa said you'd play with me." she said.
"You're basically the mom of 1-A and children love you." sighed Aizawa. "I need to leave for a... meeting. Have fun babysitting." I blinked in shock as he left the room.

"Well, he's not wrong." shrugged Ochaco-chan.
"Y/N, Uraraka can take care of Eri, you're still-" Sho-Chan's eyes went wide as I started pulling the tubes out of my arms. "Y/N, you're still recovering!" he exclaimed.
"I'll be fiinnneee." I said, waving an arm dismissively as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed before hopping off.
"Y/N, just don't do anything too stressful on your body." sighed Recovery Girl. "Todoroki, babysit her while she babysits Eri."
"Todoroki?" questioned Eri.
"That's me." said Sho-chan as he raised a hand.
"You're not IcyHot?" asked Eri. Everyone immediately looked towards Bakugou who had a smug grin on his face.
"IcyHot is a nickname." I said with a laugh. "Like Canadian Flag, Candy Cane, Peppermint, Ice Cube, Half n' Half, Soba Man-"
"Since when was 'Soba Man' one of my nicknames?!" exclaimed Sho-chan.
"Since now." I replied with a grin.
"Hi, Soba Man." said Eri as she blinked at Sho-chan.

"Todoroki." stated Sho-chan.
"Soba Man." stated Eri.
"No, Todoroki."
"Soba Man."
"Candy Cane!" cheered Eri.

"Y/N, look at what you've done." sighed Sho-chan.
"For your information, I'm feeling pretty proud right now." I said.
"What's my nickname?" asked Ochaco-chan as she stepped forward excitedly.
"Who are you?" asked Eri. I giggled as Ochaco-chan hung her head sadly.
"She's Uravity, a future pro hero!" I exclaimed with a laugh. "Let's get going. I want to change out of this dress as soon as possible." Eri nodded her head and grasped my hand. "Guys, next time Aizawa takes Star, tell him that it would be better to just ask instead of disguising playing with him as a meeting."
"How did you know Aizawa took the kitty?" asked Eri.
"Because I'm magical." I laughed. "Sho-chan, are you coming or not?"
"Hurry up, Candy Cane!" exclaimed Eri as she dragged me out of the room. Before I knew it, she had dragged me towards an elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. Just before the doors closed, Sho-chan ran in. I giggled as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Eri." I said, as I leaned down to her ear. "Do you want to teleport? The dorms aren't that far away, we could easily ditch Sho-chan." She nodded her head.
"Bye, Candy Cane!" she exclaimed.
"Huh?! Y/N don-" I teleported us to the dorm before Sho-chan could finish his sentence.

"This is your room?" asked Eri as she let go of my hand and walked around. I nodded my head.
"It's a bit strange to think I haven't seen it in over a month." I said. I noticed a bag on the table with a note taped to the side.

'Y/N's stuff. Don't touch.'

I smiled as I recognized Mom's handwriting. I opened the bag and looked inside to find another note.

'There's a replacement for your smashed phone and I changed your credit card number like you asked. I'll be sure to murder your dad soon. Love you, Sweetie!~'

I reached inside and took out the phone. My eyes widened as I heard a loud crash behind me. I spun around and rushed towards Eri who was standing next to the coffee table. A shattered mug was on the ground and she was on the verge of tears. I carefully weaved around the broken shards and lifted her into my arms.

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