»»----- Soba -----««

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Todoroki's POV

"Here!" exclaimed Y/N as we approached a restaurant.
"I've never been her before." I stated.
"Do they have apples?" asked Eri.
"We can order apple pie for dessert." said Y/N.

We walked inside and were greeted with a warm atmosphere. It was a lot busier than it looked outside.

"Table for three, please." said Y/N as we approached the front counter.
"Please follow me." said the waiter as he stepped out from behind the counter and led us to a booth near a large window. Y/N went to one side and I went to the other. Eri blinked at us.

"Who do you want to sit beside?" asked Y/N. Eri looked towards me then towards Y/N.
"I'll sit with Soba Man because I was rude earlier." she said, sitting beside me.
"Aww~ That's so sweet." laughed Y/N.

"Are you ready to order?" asked a waiter as he approached our table.
"I'll get whatever you get." I stated.
"Three bowls of zaru soba, please." said Y/N.
"Any drinks?" asked the waiter.
"Medium Boba milk tea, small apple juice, and medium strawberry milk." replied Y/N.
"Alright, will that be all?" asked the waiter.
"Yup, thank you." replied Y/N.
"Apple pie?" questioned Eri.
"You're supposed to order dessert after you finish eating." said Y/N. "He'll give us a dessert menu once were done with our soba." Suddenly, a lady brought three bowls of soba to our table.

"That was fast." commented Y/N as she picked up her chopsticks.
"Your drinks will be here in a moment." stated the waitress before walking away.  Both Y/N and I watched as Eri began fumbling with her chopsticks.

"How..." mumbled Eri as she tried and failed to hold the chopsticks properly in her hand. Y/N made a fork out of petals and handed it to Eri. Eri gladly took it and began eating.
"Note to self, teach Eri how to use chopsticks." laughed Y/N before taking a bite of soba. Eventually, our drinks arrived. Y/N slid the strawberry milk to me and the apple juice to Eri.

"Since when did you know I liked strawberry milk?" I asked, taking a sip.
"Whenever we go to a cafe, you always choose something strawberry flavored. From strawberry milkshakes, to strawberry smoothies, including strawberry ice cream. Whenever we visit your mom, we stop by a convenience store and you get a small carton of strawberry milk." replied Y/N.

"Apple." stated Eri as she began drinking her apple juice.
"I wonder if apple is a cake flavor..." muttered Y/N.
"Why are you wondering if apple is a cake flavor? Wouldn't that taste strange?" I asked
"Well, when Eri's birthday comes, what do you expect me to do? Give her an apple pie instead?" asked Y/N as if this was the most important question in the world.
"You're already thinking about her birthday??" I questioned. "We don't even know when her birthd-"
"December 21." stated Eri, interrupting me.
"It's not that early to be planning her birthday." stated Y/N.
"Y/N, that is months away." I stated.
"Only months." she said in a joking tone. I sighed before continuing to eat my soba. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Everyone turned their heads towards a woman with a gun.

"They killed her!" she cried. Y/N's eyes went wide.
"Soba Man, don't let Eri out of your sight." Y/N said before standing up and calmly making her way towards the woman.
"Stay away!" she screamed before firing a bullet towards Y/N. Y/N sent a spiral of petals towards the woman, a couple neutralizing the bullet, a few teleporting the gun into Y/N's hands and the rest to capture the screaming woman. I let out a sigh of relief seeing how quickly the threat had been dealt with.

"Soba Man, were you scared?" asked Eri as she looked up at me. I nodded my head.
"I always get worried whenever Y/N needs to act as a hero." I replied. "I can't help but worry if she'll be alright. Not to mention I can't help because I didn't get my provisional hero's license."

"Let me go!" cried the woman as she struggled against Y/N's petals.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but it's my job to protect everyone here." said Y/N in a soft voice. "The police have already been contacted. You will be taken away for interrogation." As if on cue, two police officers came in. They handcuffed the woman before taking her away.

"Well, looks like I have a report to write when we get back." sighed Y/N as she returned to the table as if nothing just happened.
"Apple pie?" asked Eri. Both Y/N and I looked towards her bowl to find it empty. Suddenly, Y/N began laughing.
"Sure." said Y/N through laughter.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Nothing." replied Y/N as she quickly stopped laughing. I didn't think much of it until I looked towards my bowl and noticed it had nearly twice the amount of soba it did before. I looked towards Eri who had a blank expression then towards Y/N who had her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. Letting out a sigh, I continued to eat. Eventually, the waiter from before came to our table and Y/N ordered an apple pie. Not a moment after, the girls approached our table.

"Hey! You're Shouto Todoroki from the sports festival, correct?!" cheered one of them excitedly. Both girls looked the same age as us.
"Yes, that's me." I stated. Both of them exchanged glances before moving Eri out of the booth and sliding next to me. Y/N's eyes went wide as she quickly retrieved Eri, letting her sit beside her. Y/N had a smile on her face as she continued to eat her soba as if nothing was happening right now.

"So~" sang out one of them. "Are you free this weeke-" She was cut off as Y/N suddenly slammed her chopsticks on the table, causing me and both girls to flinch while Eri stared at her blankly. Y/N calmly picked up a napkin and cleaned her mouth.
"Go on. Please continue to discuss your plans for this weekend." stated Y/N with a sweet smile.
"As I was sayi-"
"Hey, Babe, do you mind passing over the soy sauce?" Y/N interrupted. I slid the bottle towards her. Is she jealous? One of the girls cleared her throat and began speaking.
"Anyways, there's this bar that opened up down the street from here and we were wondering if you'd like to join us." she said.
"It's illegal to be drinking at this age." Y/N stated with an air of coldness. "Although, I don't think I'm in any position to be saying anything, so it's up to him to decide."
"We're not implying that he'll be drinking." said the other girl. "Although, that's to be expected in such a place."
"As I said, it's his choice whether to go or not." said Y/N. "Just be sure to return him to the dorms as sober as possible. We wouldn't want him to get expelled now, would we?"

Suddenly the pie arrived, but the waiter didn't leave behind a knife to cut it. Y/N dismissed him and formed a knife out of petals. She cut out a slice for Eri.

"Would you two like some pie as well?" asked Y/N.
"I'd like som-"
"You can have pie later." Y/N cut me off. Eri seemed too excited about the pie to care about the mini war going on right now.

"Well, you'll have to find someone else to accompany you this weekend." I stated, looking towards the girls.
"Aww... That's too bad..." muttered one of them. I could here the fake sadness in her voice. "Are you sure?~"
"Yes. I'm sure. Please leave." I stated. Both girls glanced at eachother before letting out sighs and leaving us alone.

"Were you jealous?" I asked with a grin as I looked towards Y/N who had finished her soba and was now cutting a slice of pie for herself.
"Nope." She replied popping the 'p.'
"Are you sure?" I questioned. She only nodded her head in response. "Really?" She nodded her head again.
"I'm not jealous in any way shape or form." she stated. "Eri, you can sit next to him again if you want."
"No." huffed Eri. "Soba Man is a bad apple." Y/N's eyes widened. "Bad apples talk to other people when they shouldn't."
"Eri, don't say that." said Y/N with a laugh. "Soba Man is not a bad apple."
"Yeah." I stated. "I declined them didn't I?"
"Not fast enough." said Eri.
"Why do I feel guilty when I did nothing wrong??" I asked.
"It's our second quirk." replied Y/N with a laugh.
"So are you upset?" I asked.
"If you keep asking, I might get upset." she replied. "It's as if you're waiting for me to say 'yes, I'm upset' even though I'm not."
"You have a point." I stated with a sigh. "But are you?"
"No, I'm not, but if you said yes, then I might've been." replied Y/N.
"Still a bad apple." stated Eri as she took a bite out of her pie.


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