»»----- Snowball Fight -----««

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I lifted my head from my book as I heard a knock on the door.

"What was that?" asked Eri, turning away from the pages as well.
"Stay here." I said, standing up and placing the book in her lap.

I made my way towards the door and swung it open to reveal Ochaco-chan with an excited look on her face.

"Y/N-chan! It's snowing! The class is planning on heading outside!" she exclaimed excitedly. I turned my head to look over towards Eri who was focused on the book.
"Eri, do you want to go outside and play in the snow?" I asked. She lifted her head from the book and looked at me before turning towards the window. She hopped off of the couch and placed the book on the coffee table before rushing towards the window. Her eyes widened at the white specs falling from the sky.
"Yeah!" she exclaimed, excitement in her voice.
"We'll get changed first then join you guys downstairs." I said, turning back towards Ochaco-chan.
"Alright! See you in a bit!" she exclaimed before making her way back down the hallway and towards the elevator.

I shut the door and stepped towards the dresser positioned just at the end of the hallway. I pulled out a coat for myself then made my way back towards my old closet. We were nearly done turning it into a bedroom for Eri. We just had to knock away a few more shelves and we'd be ready to put in the furniture. I pulled a coat off of one of the rods we decided to leave.

"Eri!" I called. I smiled as she rushed into the closet with an excited expression on her face. "Put on this coat so you won't freeze out there." I said. She nodded her head and tugged it on. I formed a pair of mittens over her hands before pulling on my own coat and forming gloves for myself. I lifted a pair of boots off a shelf and carefully placed them on her feet.
"Is that it?" she asked.
"We're all set." I laughed as she began tugging on my arm and dragging me out of the dorm. We made our way into the elevator and down to the common room. I watched as she let go of my hand to throw open the doors and run outside. I laughed as the first thing she did was fall on her back and make a snow angel.

"Y/N-chan!" I turned my head just in time to dodge a snowball. I ducked as another one flew past. Both Ochaco-chan and Izu-kun were gathering more snowballs.
"You just started a fight you can't win!" I laughed, already loading myself with snowballs. I threw one, hitting Izu-kun in the back of the head. He threw one back at me, but instead hit Kirishima.
"Snowball fight!!" he yelled before sending a barrage of snowballs in Izu-kun's direction. Scooping up more, I threw several towards Mina-chan. In no time, the entire class was involved and we had somehow organized ourselves into two teams.

Mina-chan, Ojiro, Kirishima, Toru-chan, Shoji, Pikachu, Tokoyami, Eri, and myself were on one team while Ochaco-chan, Izu-kun, Kyoka-chan, Crafting Bench, Aoyama, Iida, Koda, Sato, Sero, and Mineta were on the other.

"Bakugou would've loved this." said Kirishima as he ducked behind a wall of snow.
"Both him and Sho-chan are currently taking their final exam." I said, hitting Mineta square in the nose with a snowball. "If they pass, they'll get their licenses."

I watched as Eri hit Crafting Bench's face before ducking behind a wall. I couldn't help but laugh as she scrambled to make more snowballs. I noticed Ochaco-chan trying to make her way around us so she could attack us from behind. I grinned before barraging her with snowballs. I laughed as the others began pelting her in snow. I watched as she retreated to her team's side.

"Hey, Y/N, where's your cat?" asked Pikachu as he ducked behind the wall beside mine.
"With Aizawa again." I replied. "I honestly don't know if Star is even my cat anymore."

We continued going back and forth, throwing snowballs until we decided it was time to head back inside. I let out a sigh as I shrugged off my coat. I turned towards the couch to find Tsu-chan huddling into a coat of her own. I made a blanket and draped it over her shoulders.

"I was wondering why you didn't go outside." I said. "I completely forgot that the cold makes you sleepy."
"Thank you." she mumbled, wrapping the blanket tightly around herself.

I turned my head as I felt a tug on my shirt.

"Uravity said it's called hot chocolate." said Eri as she handed me a mug. "This one is for you. I already drank some. It's really yummy."
"Thank you." I said, taking a sip.
"Y/N, when is Bad Apple coming back?" asked Eri.
"He should actually be on his way back right no-" I was cut off as my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I said, lifting it to my ear.
"An organized robbery has been reported on the corner of 17th and 12th street." said the voice.
"I'll be right there." I said before hanging up.

"I need to go deal with something." I said, setting down the mug of hot chocolate on a nearby table. "I'll be back soon." Eri nodded her head as I exited the dorms.

Climbing onto a platform, I sped towards the location. Snow fell around me as I flew past. It took me a little over ten minutes to finally reach the destination, but by the time I arrived, I could see the situation had already been dealt with. Ice decorated the area and ashes fell to the ground.

What kind of trouble did these two get into this time?

I hopped down from my platform to see Sho-chan and Bakugou get pulled into a tight hug by a hero.

"Guess I came a bit late." I sighed, gazing around as I walked towards the group. "I take it the both of you passed the test?"
"Hell yeah we fucking did!" yelled Bakugou, making small explosions in his palms. The hero released them and turned towards one of the unconscious villains.
"Hey, Slide N' Go, you can just continue with your rounds. I'll deal with this." I said. The hero nodded his head before turning to continue patrolling the surrounding area.

"His gauntlets blew up." commented Bakugou.
"Of course." I said, stepping towards the unconscious villain. "They're poor quality items he bought off the black market." I wrapped up the unconscious villains in petals and set them down in a group.

"While we wait for the police to get here so they can arrest these guys, how did your exam go? Was it easy?" I asked.
"It was a piece of cake!" exclaimed Bakugou while Sho-chan simply nodded.
"Aren't you cold?" asked Sho-chan.
"Nope, I'm fine." I replied.
"Y/N, I'll leave the situation to you." said Uncle Toshi as he stood behind the two. "I should escort them back."
"I need to melt the ice first." stated Sho-chan.
"I ain't helpin' you, got it?!" yelled Bakugou.
"Unnecessary volume, but okay." I said, rubbing my ears. "You guys can just leave. I'll call one of my mom's sidekicks to help melt the ice. I need to go speak to all of the victims."

"I'm staying." stated Sho-chan.
"Eri is at the dorms wondering when you'll get back." I said. "Just go back."
"No." he stated.
"Fine." I sighed. "But this is going to take a while."
"That's fine." he said.

"Young Todoroki, be sure to protect Y/N."
"Protect me?" I huffed, turning towards Uncle Toshi. "I'm the most dangerous person here." I stated, crossing my arms in front of me.
"Says the one who ran away from a cockroach yesterday." chuckled Sho-chan as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"It's all fun and games until they start flying." I said.
"Well, I'll take Young Bakugou back to UA." said Uncle Toshi. "Congratulations on obtaining your provisional license." With that, Uncle Toshi and Bakugou made their way inside of a car and drove off.

This book will be put on a hiatus. Why? You may ask. Because we somehow basically caught up to the manga. Every now and then, I might publish random chapters, but the schedule won't be daily updates anymore unless I put this on hold for like a year or something. Thank you for the understanding! (And if you don't understand, that's fine. I'd be upset too.)

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