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Todoroki's POV

We watched as a woman stepped onto the center of the stage.

"The reason we held this sort of ceremony at this time... is because we judged this to be a turning point." stated the woman. "It's bene about three months since All Might's retirement and word is circulating that we still lack a hero icon. The heroes who will shoulder society's burdens going forward are all in this room. Let us all strive towards a more peaceful society together. And now, statements from each individual!"

"We all must rise up to the challenge of becoming heroes truly deserving of our ranks! Let's do our best!"
"What I must do from now on has not changed."
"I intend to work hard as part of Edgeshot's team without bringing shame to my colleagues."
"Hey, you, all the scheming bad things out there!! Get ready to be pummeled by me!"
"Numbers don't concern me. I'm grateful for the high approval that comes from my work, but I'm not doing this for fame. I believe that fostering peace is the essence of heroism-"

"Who cares about any of that?" interrupted Hawks. A silence fell over the building.
"Damn, that was ballsy!" exclaimed Miruko. "...As usual you enjoy throwing everyone for a loop, don't you?"

"Hey, I'm just bad at keeping it in." said Hawks as he took the microphone and stretched his wings. "Let's see... If we're going just by approval ratings, Sakura would be first, Best Jeanist would be second due to the extra boost of support during his recovery. I would be third, Edgeshot would be fourth, Endeavor would be fifth, and so on. I think approval ratings are the most important metric right now. Is this the time to be clinging to the past? Is it still okay to uphold the status quo? We no longer have a symbol." Hawks shot upwards with his wings outstretched. "Why are people who can't even earn a higher rank than me... being so tame and subdued on a day that's supposedly deemed a 'turning point?!' Please, speak more like real heroes." Hawks suddenly returned to the ground. "That's all from me. So, next in line. Go ahead, Y/N." Y/N took the microphone with a nervous laugh.

"Well, that was a bit unexpected." laughed Y/N as she held the microphone. "I feel like I should continue off of what Hawks just said, but the most I can add to that is a question: Would you rather have someone likeable protecting you, or someone who you know for a fact is capable of protecting you and has protected others in the past?" she asked. "I believe it's something important to think about, especially now. Sure, it's nice to know that so many of you accept and support me, but I'm mostly concerned about the state our society is in. I'd rather be hated and be strong enough to protect than be liked but be too weak to defend. Well, that's enough from me. Here you go, Mister Number One."

With that, she handed the microphone to my dad.

"Apart from what that novice just tried to stir up... There is not much to say. Just watch me."

Y/N blinked at him for a few seconds before shaking her head and letting out a sigh. All of the heroes were guided backstage while an announcer concluded the event. People stood up from their seats and began filing out of the building.


"What was that all about, you little brat?" hissed Endeavor as he held up Hawks by the collar of his hero costume.
"Uhhh, sorry for the trouble!" Hawks replied, laughing. "Everyone just says the same old things, so... I thought a little extra impact was necessary."
"You were testing me, huh?"
"No way! I helped you out didn't I? Didn't it all turn out well?" asked Hawks as he waved his arms in front of himself. "Not to mention, Y/N basically defended you!" he said, glancing towards me.
"Don't drag me into this." I stated. "Let me drink my tea in peace while I watch this play out."

"Y/N!" cheered a voice.
"Eri? Sho-chan? I thought I told you guys to head back to the dorms right after." I said, turning towards them.
"Are you drinking tea?" asked Sho-chan.
"Yeah. One of the staff members offered it." I replied, standing up from my chair. "The sun is setting. We should get back to the dorms. Bye, Fire Hazard. Bye, Chicken Wings." I called before exiting the building with Sho-chan and Eri. There was a car waiting for us outside.

"So what would you guys like for dinner?" I asked.
"Soba." they said at the same time.
"I was expecting Eri to say apples. Sho-chan, what have you done?" I laughed.
"He said he'd give me apples if I asked for soba because you would make soba if I asked for it." stated Eri.
"Snitch..." muttered Sho-chan.

I ran out of braincells.

Adorable fanart of Star by ThatRaichi! Thank you very much~ 💖💛💞~Lua

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Adorable fanart of Star by ThatRaichi! Thank you very much~ 💖💛💞

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