»»----- Traitor -----««

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Eventually, Tsu-chan and Ochaco-chan caught up to us. They ran into the clearing where we all stood. All of us were devastated. I drowned in my own guilt while Sho-chan held me in his arms, trying to comfort my shaking body.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Out of the forty students involved in the attack, 15 were unconscious due to the villain's gas, eleven others had major or minor injuries. Only thirteen were left uninjured. I watched as my classmates were whisked away in ambulances. They wanted to take me too, but I firmly refused. The thirteen who had remained insisted that I go, but I only shook my head. My entire body ached. Blood dripped from my open wounds and trailed down onto the grass below my feet. Sho-chan and Ochaco-chan stood by my side as we watched Izu-kun get taken away by an ambulance. Tears still dripped from my face, but not as violently as before. Pixie-bob had been seriously injured, Bakugou had been taken away, and Ragdoll had gone missing. The only thing that we were able to find was her blood lying at the half-way point. I couldn't protect them. Luckily, three villains had been caught and arrested. Two of which, I took down. My eyes widened when I saw Kota running up to me. He held Star in his arms. He carefully placed Star down and ran into my arms.
"You're okay!" he yelled as he sobbed into my clothes. I nodded my head as I stroked his hair.
"I made a promise, didn't I?" I asked, smiling down at him. Star flew over and landed on my head as we watched the authorities take over the scene.

After some time, Kota was escorted by the authorities to Mandalay, leaving Sho-chan, Ochaco-chan, and myself.

"Y/N... You're still bleeding..." muttered Ochaco-chan
"You should've gone with them." said Sho-chan. I shook my head. They had been trying to convince me for what felt like hours, but I continued to refuse.
"My work isn't over. I still have a lot more I need to do." I replied.
"But you're hurt!" said Sho-chan, his voice a near shout. I flinched at the volume. He sighed then placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for yelling like that, but please take care of yourself first." I nodded my head.
"Y/N-chan, don't be sad!" exclaimed Ochaco-chan. I watched as she faked a cheerful expression. "You were incredibly powerful! Even though you're one of the most injured people here, you're still standing and willing to fight again!" I shook my head.
"What's the point of being this strong if I can't protect the people I care about?" I said, staring at the ground. I felt my eyes grow teary for what felt like the hundredth time this evening. "What's the point?!" I screamed. I was overrun with frustration and guilt. Why couldn't I save them? Why was I too slow? Am I still too weak? Will I never be strong enough? Sho-chan wrapped his arms tightly around me, being careful not to add any pressure to my wounds.
"If you weren't there, we might've lost a lot more than just one person." he whispered.
"That doesn't excuse the fact that I couldn't save him." I said, my voice was a low growl. "I failed."
"Y/N... petals..." whispered Ochaco-chan. I looked up from the ground to see countless petals raining around us. I made them disappear in an instant.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.
"Don't be." said Ochaco-chan in a kind voice. "I know you're just frustrated."
"I've been wondering... what does it mean when it starts raining petals?" asked Sho-chan. He wore a curious expression on his face. Somehow, it made me feel calm and safe. That- plus the fact that I was still wrapped in his arms, I felt like nothing bad could ever happen again.
"Do you want to explain it?" asked Ochaco-chan. I nodded my head.
"I lose control of my quirk when I am feeling a strong emotion." I said. "If I get overly agitated, run and hide."
"Why?" asked Sho-chan. Ochaco-chan was stifling laughter beside me.
"It's not funny..." I muttered, glaring at her.
"A couple months ago, we were hanging out, and a villain ran by. They splashed her with a cup of coffee as they ran and Y/N-chan got so upset, it began raining knives!" she exclaimed, laughing. I rolled my eyes as an amused smirk appeared on Sho-chan's face. Somehow these two always seem to shift my mood.
"Did you kick his ass though?" asked Sho-chan.
"She roundhouse kicked him in the face!" exclaimed Ochaco as she continued her laughter.
"Stop laughing..." I muttered, crossing my arms. She didn't stop. "Freeze." I said. I grinned as Star froze Ochaco-chan from the neck down.
"Y/N!" whined Ochaco-chan. "I'm cold!" I plucked Star from the air above me and pulled him into a hug.
"Am I being replaced?" asked Sho-chan. I giggled a bit before looking up at him.
"Maybe." I said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes and rested his head on top of mine. What would I do without these two?

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