»»----- Chart -----««

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"Here you go, Eri!" I exclaimed with a smile as I handed her a candy apple. Her eyes went wide as she took it from my hands. She took a bite.
"It's even sweeter." she said with a wide grin on her face.

"Y/N, Uraraka, Todoroki, Eri!' called a voice. We all turned to see Mirio, Izu-kun, and Aizawa making their way towards us.
"Oh! You got her a candy apple!" exclaimed Izu-kun.
"Y/N, Togata and I will need to take Eri with us now." stated Aizawa.
"Why?" I questioned. "We'll all meet up at the dorms later anyways."
"Why would Eri come with us to the dorms?" questioned Izu-kun. "She's supposed to stay in the hospital."
"Aizawa has an announcement to make." I replied.
"Or you could make it and I could take Star instead." said Aizawa.
"Why does it feel like all nowadays all my conversations with you involve me taking the kid and you taking the cat?" I asked. I watched as Aizawa grabbed Star from Eri's head.
"Thanks. Bye." he stated before turning around and leaving.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

"Looks like everyone is here." I said, swinging open the door. Tamaki, Nejire, Tsu-chan, and Kirishima were all gathered around the couch in the common room. Sho-chan, Ochaco-chan, Eri, Izu-kun, Mirio, and I walked in. "Long story short, UA is in charge of Eri now!" I exclaimed.
"What's the full story here...?!" questioned Izu-kun with wide eyes.
"The other aren't here yet, so we can talk here. She can't be in the hospital forever." I stated. "According to Eri's files, it seems like she was abandoned by her parents. In addition, her nearest blood relative, the boss of the Eight Precepts, has been unconscious for a while. With that in mind, she doesn't have a place to go."
"Also, you may have heard, but it's regarding her horn, the source of her quirk." said Mirio.
"We heard it shrunk and everything looked good..." said Kirishima.
"Until it suddenly grew again." pointed out Nejire.
"So... we need to make sure 'that' doesn't happen again..?" questioned Ochaco-chan, referring to what happened during the fight with Chisaki when Eri used her quirk on Izu-kun.
"That's the reason she'll be in UA instead of a foster home." I stated.
"Where exactly will she be staying?" asked Ochaco-chan.
"We had a meeting earlier this month." I said. "We'll be knocking out my closet and turning it into a bedroom for Eri."
"Where are your clothes going to go?" questioned Sho-chan.
"I have an excessive amount thanks to my mom, so I'll be donating at least half of them. I've already sorted through most of them." I replied. "It'll all be able to fit in a dresser."
"A closet?" questioned Ochaco-chan. "Wouldn't that be too small?"
"Nope. It's big enough to be a small hotel room." I replied.
"It may sound like she's overexaggerating, but she isn't. I got lost in her closet once." said Sho-chan.
"What were you doing in her closet??" questioned Ochaco-chan.
"I couldn't find the other pair to my shoes and I didn't feel like wearing six inch stilettos to class." I shrugged.
"We should get going now." said Mirio as he checked the time on his phone. "See you!" he called. We watched as the Big Three left the dorms.

"I have an event in two hours." I stated, turning towards the others.
"How busy is today for you?" questioned Sho-chan with a concerned look.
"It's the busiest day I've had in a while." I replied. "Take care of Eri for me, okay?"
"I have to stay with Bad Apple again?" questioned Eri.
"We're coming with you." stated Sho-chan.
"I should be able to get you guys seats inside towards the front..." I muttered to myself. "But it'll be really loud and you might lose Eri again..."
"It couldn't possibly be more crowded then at the festival." stated Sho-chan.
"It's at least ten times more crowded." I sighed.
"I want to go." said Eri.
"The front row seats are only for VIPs and family members but they're always the quietest..." I muttered.
"Well, I'm your boyfriend, so that counts, doesn't it?" Sho-chan asked.
"Alright, fine." I eventually sighed. "But you need to wear something fancy."
"Fancy?" questioned Sho-chan.
"You have like 10 different suits. Just choose one." I stated.
"What event is it?" he asked.
"The only formal event happening this evening that involves the appearance of heroes is... The Billboard Chart..!" exclaimed Izu-kun.
"Bingo!" I cheered with a laugh.
"Let's hurry up and get changed. We don't have much time before we need to leave." I said, turning towards Sho-chan.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Todoroki's POV

Y/N stepped out of the limo and onto a red carpet. Lights flashed and people cheered. She smiled as she waved to the crowd and cameras. The door shut and the driver took Eri and I to an entrance to the side. We exited and made our way inside. We found our seats and looked towards the stage expectantly.

"When is Y/N going to appear?" asked Eri as she stared ahead with wide, curious eyes.
"Soon." I replied. Suddenly, a loud voice boomed over head and an announcer appeared onstage.

"The Billboard Chart, live for the first time from Kamino!! Everyone surely knows the magnitude of its importance!" they called. A billboard chart without All Might, huh? "Up until today's event, heroes have not traditionally appeared on stage at the presentation site! However, it seems times have changed!! Take a look!" As they were announced, the heroes stepped on stage.

"Number 10! The armored hero, Yoroimusha!"
"Number 9! The same one from the 'Squeaky Clean' commercial! It's the washing hero, Wash!"
"Number 8! A significant leap!! The up and coming star who won't stop climbing!! Kamui Woods!"
"Number 7! The shield hero, Crust!"
"Number 6! The rabbit hero, Miruko!"
"Number 5! The mysterious ninja's conflict resolution count and approval ratings have sky rocketed! The ninja hero, Edgeshot!"
"Up next, is the fiber hero, Best Jeanist! He is currently taking a break from active duty, but we are all awaiting his return!!"
"Number 3! He claims to take it easy, but he's quite ferocious! With tremendous momentum, he swoops into third place! The winged hero, Hawks!!"
"Number 2! Having come from seemingly nowhere, we have the daughter of the R-rated Hero: Midnight, Sakura! With the highest approval ratings we've seen in years paired with the 3rd highest conflict resolution count, she's the youngest hero to make it this far up the ranks!"

I flinched as the crowd's volume suddenly increased even more as Y/N stepped onto the stage. Eri's eyes lit up as she saw Y/N appear. I simply applauded, but no one could possibly imagine the amount of pride I felt in that moment. She wore a smile as she walked towards her position. For a brief moment, our eyes met and she blew me a kiss.

"And now!! From just the temporary number 1 hero to his new place today as the genuine number one hero! At last!! The flame hero, Endeavor!!"

The crowd cheered and applauded for my father, including Eri, but it seemed more of a courtesy clap than genuine support. I simply stared at him as he gazed around.

Rip Ryukyu...

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