Bad News

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"Hazzy wake up"

"I'm awake..whats wrong?"

"It's nana"

"Is she alright?"

"Harry....nana passed away this morning"






"Where's mom?"

"She's with grandpa"



"Did you see her?"

"She was sleeping"



"......I'll be home soon"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

I woke up hearing some sniffles. Harry was slouched over the bed in the phone. I heard him say something about his grandma. Once he said I love you I knew he was on the phone with Ge. After he hung up he just took a deep breathe & released it. I don't know what was said me being half sleep my third ear wasn't fully on but all I know is whatever it was it couldn't be good.

I sat up & turned the hotel lamp on to the dim light setting. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. I came over to wrapped my arms around him. Then I noticed him wiping his eyes full of tears. His face and neck was red. And that's when I just knew he didn't even have to tell me. I just knew.

I sat up onto my knees & I pulled him into my chest. He just let it all out. I cried with him. I felt upset....sad...confused & just everything. I'm not sure why but....i guess I just took the pain & hurt onto myself because I can imagine how he was feeling.

Harry is soooo fortunate to have had his grandma. I haven't seen mine since I was 9 & I wish so badly that she was here with me. But I know she's at rest. No more pain, no more cancer, no more suffering. I know she's happy & I know she's watching over me. It's just I wish she could have been here physically with me to see what I have become. I hope she's proud.

Thinking of all of that & just Harry feeling what he's feeling I was an emotional reck along with him.

We cried together for awhile. But then when the tears stopped we just cuddle & we layed in silence & we held each other close. I eventually went to sleep. Harry was up & he just held me why I slept.

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