He Opens Up

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Harry and I decided to turn in early. We had a morning flight we had to be on in a few hours to go back to California. I have been really worried about Harry lately. Just two days ago really confirmed my worries for him. Harry has a habit of holding things in sometimes & these were one of those moments he was doing that. I hate to see him carry this burden all alone & I hope he will talk to me about it.

At first I thought Harry was just doing his self evaluation that he normally does when the year is about to whine down. because this time around last year is when I came into his life & I experienced what it was like seeing him in that type of mind set. But between then and now I've noticed something different in Harry. I can't necessarily put my finger on what's changed but I just know it.

Harry was sitting in the big single lounge chair in our room. He had just finished writing something in his organizer & then put it on the night stand. I watched him lean over his knees & put his palms over his face. He then ran his hand through his curly hair & looked at me noticing me watching him. I went over to him & he sat me on his lap. I held him close to my chest & I ran my free hand through his hair.

"Babe?" I said

"Yes sweetheart?" Harry answered

"Whats on your mind?"I asked deeply concerned

".....I have a lot on my mind at the moment" Harry admits

"Tell me what's going on in your brilliant mind..what has you worrying....i can tell something is worrying you." I said

"......." Harry just stayed quiet & didn't say anything

"You don't have to talk about it if your not ready....i just want you to know I'm here...& I will always be here no matter what...i love you so much. & I just want you to know that" I said realizing that he may not be ready to talk about whatever is worrying him.

Harry pulled away from my chest & just looked at me & I looked back at him.

"I've was just thinking about us...& the lads mostly....things are not on the uppity at the moment." Harry confesses

"What's going on with you guys ?" I asked

"......Everything has changed & is changing with me & the lads...it's happening very quickly. My worries are about the future...2 years from now & I've come to a place where I've been forced not by my choice to think about somethings I want to have in place....& how I'm going to move forward" Harry said

"I understand..." I said softly

"The lads and I are growing apart...& it's very hurtful & it pains me to see us going through such a rough patch...& if matters aren't worse the fans they can see it." Harry said full of hurt

"Have you all really sat down & had a heart to heart?...& I'm not talking about music or anything I'm talking about sat down together to deal with issues that are personal. ?" I asked

"Yes but we don't get to the real problem. Everyone tries to turn this on me. They get upset because the media praises me into the rock star & thinks I will be the only successful person to make it solo or something or they are so convinced I'm leaving the band first & this all happened when I first moved to LA & met some people & you know that whole thing & then it's just this running around bickering & it goes nowhere....I am committed to this band & I want us to continue & reach & find a success that we haven't don't yet & get it accomplished it's still more work to be done." Harry said optimistic

"Of course babe. You guys have been in this industry for 4 years now together & you guys have power to go on because your fans love you."i said

"I know that full heartedly" Harry said

"I just think that right now you guys are in a rough patch & I really do hope things turn around for you guys. I hope that just because you guys have other projects & stuff doesn't distract you guys more than what it has now. I know you guys are growing & that's naturally going to happen but at the end of the day...its about you guys lively hood. This is what it is now & I hope things turn around...im rooting for you guys & I know it's not easy." I said sincerely

"It's not but I know we will pull through...we always do." Harry said

"You guys will" I said reassuringly

".....When the touring & the album stuff takes a halt...I just want you & I to get away for awhile...no phones emails...nothing just you & me I want to get away & just escape this life for a bit" Harry said desperately

"We will go somewhere...& I can't wait." I said with a smile

"Then & only then we can talk about our future. I don't want to elaborate on it now but i want when we go away together...i just want it to be about us" Harry said seriously

"That sounds like a plan" I said

We talked until we fell asleep. I was so happy that he got that off his chest. Harry's heart is in the right place & I can only pray that the others sees that & they make things right.

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