When You Know Hes Not Going To Call pt 2

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Your POV

It's been 2 weeks since we have been back & I have already been doing real things. I am so excited to be moving from this townhome to my new house. I loved my townhome but I am so ready for bigger space. I felt like that for a long time. The only reason I kept it this long because it was conveniently 20 mins away from where Harry lives going in exactly one direction to get to his house. So him passing by at my house anytime this year since he's off....that's not going to work for me.

I am really shocked to know everyone's perception of me. Everyone feels bad for me but the moment people found out I was moving into my house everyone was just saying I'm so proud of her. Harry is stupid for leaving you, you are so smart & classy.....I love you....just basically supportive words of encouragement. Do I think the media is making a big deal about everything I do now? Hell yes, Do I care? yes/no because I'm doing exactly what a real woman should be doing. If people see that & feel inspired to be strong & be motivated to reach their full potential then that makes me happy because That means my life has made a positive impact on someone's life. But I do care because I would like to go back to not being known & nobody caring about what I do.

I haven't talked to Harry. He's still doing his thing with the Kardashian. I don't expect him to say anything else to me. The only reason why I keep mentioning this is because of how we broke up. Harry kept insisting we aren't technically over we are just separating. He has a different meaning in his head about that. In my mind we are broken up. It's over, the fat lady sung type over.

I'm not to sure why I am still hanging onto his words. I still hurt a little about Harry. We were together a long time. If by chance somewhere in the future he finds his way back to me.....we couldn't be together again. I can't picture being more than friends with him. Harry has completely lost my trust.
Trust that I had in Harry, was a trust I never given any man. Then the way he just hurt me the way he did that's something I don't even think time will ever heal.

"You doing real things best friend"JoJo

"No we are doing everything we said we would do when we were younger, I'm proud of us"

Kendall's POV

Harry has been acting very moody today. One minute he's cool. The next he's just so cranky. I'm leaving town today & I am just hopping I can leave on a good note with him.

Harry's POV

I was glad to see Kendall off to her plane. I needed time away from her.

Y/n is still on my mind. I didn't think it would be this difficult  to move on from her. When I found out she moved I took it really hard. Then when I saw how she got mobbed with cameras from a shopping spree i went bloody mad. I feel so guilty because I know Y/n. In her mind now that we separated she thinks she can go back to a normal way of life. It's possible but right now it's not going to happen. It's all my fault. I didn't think about Y/n when I decided to be with Kendall. I should have realized that the media would create this into a catastrophe being that Kendall & I are famous. I have created drama already in the new year.

I really want to reach out to her. I just know she won't listen.

Your POV

Jojo convinced me to go to Kelly Osborne's launch party. I don't want to go at all. Jojo promised me we can stay at most 1 hr. I love kelly & she would understand why I wouldn't want to be there.

One because I think I'm coming down with something. Two I don't want to be around people who are going to keep asking me " are you ok?" "How are you doing?" "I heard the news, I'm sorry to hear that" "I feel so bad". That is so annoying, that will not help my progress of getting over him. Three I don't want to risk the chance to running into a Kardashian even worse Styles himself.

Jojo headed and I along with the bodyguards I had to get do to the most recent accident, went into Kelly's party. It was loads of people, cameras everywhere. We saw Kelly, we just missed her entrance. We caught up with her for a bit then she had to work her party.

Everything was going ok. The party is really really nice. I thought we would make it a whole hr until My bodyguard Daxj to me a Kardashian arrived here & it was time for us to go. I did shout hallelujah inside because my feet were starting to hurt in these heels. Daxj leaded us out to our car. The paps crowded around our exist. They shouted some rude things to me.

"Leaving so soon?" "Are you running away back Chloe Kardashian just arrived?" "Are you still mad about Harry Styles?" "When's the last time you talked to him?" "Are you bitter because Harry Styles left you?" "Is that the reason why you are leaving so early?"

When we finally was safely in the car. I just kept my head down & covered my face. Once we pulled away I let a few tears all. I just feel so overwhelmed. I'm trying to be strong. I just feel so defeated right now.

Why did this have to happen to me like this God? Why did he leave me to be with her? What is wrong with me God. What have I done?

All of those questions just made me ask God about this. I think in this very moment I'm not really asking God for answers. I'm really just asking God to help me be at peace with all this is happening right now. I'm not trying to be caught up in anyone's drama. I'm not a person built to involve myself in drama.

"Come on bubbles you can't fall apart right now" Jojo said trying to lift my spirits up. She rubbed my back as I let my tears flowed

"I can't help it Jo, I'm trying not to. It's like I take 3 steps forward to be knocked down 10 times back"

"You can't give anybody any power to do that to you. You hold are the power. I know it hurts now but you can overcome all of this"

Jojo has always been encouraging & so supportive. In the beginning she wasn't to thrilled about me dating Harry. But as she got to know him more she become supportive of the relationship. Jojo has great instincts. Jojo she's really like a big sister I never had.

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