When British and Americans Come Together

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You were sitting comfortably in bed with Harry while he was on the phone catching up with one of his friends. You were watching tv and listening in & out of his conversation. He was finally off the phone and he decide to poke you.

"Don't listen in on my conversation & give me that face" Harry said jokingly

"Babe I hardly paid attention to anything you were saying & I just so happened to pick up on one thing that you said" you said truthfully

"Uh huh..& don't make fun of me either I don't make fun of you when your on the phone talk to Terri. I can't keep up with your American slang sometimes" Harry admits

"I can't keep up with yours, British people have sayings that makes no sense to what you really mean like what is a bloke? " You said laughing & making him laugh

"Why do you Americans have to use slang in every sentence. Like chill? like if I ask you what have you been up to lately....someone says "I'm just chillin" or when you and Terri say "you need to find your chill" Harry says mocking you making you laugh

"Why do y'all call sweaters jumpers that makes no sense ! A jumper is not an article of clothing ! " you yell making both you and Harry laugh

"You freaking American " Harry says and then tickles you nonstop

"Stop you freaking British man" you say through your tickles.

He then stops just to plant kisses all over you face.

"Harry I'm hungry go make me some food" you say

"No I'm hungry & you get up and go make me some food" Harry said

"Why are you being so incorporative Harry"you said

"No your incorporative" Harry said

"Get off of me, no more kisses for you" you sad shoving his head away from you so he can stop kissing you

"NO" Harry says and he grabs your face and kisses you before getting up. you then got up and jumped on his back & he gave you a piggy back ride to the kitchen.

"I love you" Harry said sweetly

"I love you too babe"you said sweetly back to him

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