Making It Up To You

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"I'm sorry love I have to run to a meeting", "I'm going to have to miss out on lunch with you babe" "I'm still stuck at the studio, I'm so sorry" "I'm sorry I'm late love" is all the excuses you kept hearing from Harry.

You completely understood why he had to cancel stuff but now time is running against you. You haven't been able to spend quality time together on Harry's small break. You really want to make the most of it before he leaves back on the road again. Your not mad at Harry for being busy because when he has a "break" it's technically not really a "break". Harry was trying his best to make time for you but things keep coming up and it was of high importance. You would never want to distract him or make him feel like he's a bad boyfriend. Harry puts in so much effort it's just unfortunate that he's come up short. You keep a positive attitude through it. You are at least thankful that you get to sleep in his arms at night. Sadly that's the only quality time you both have but it will have to make do.

You pulled up to Harry's house from a boring & long day at work. When you went inside you saw that there were chefs in the kitchen cooking & you were confused. You said hello nicely to everyone & they said hello & told you Harry wanted them to prepare dinner for you He left out but he will be back. You told them whatever they are making it smells great & thank you. You let them be & went to go upstairs and change.

"Y/n Love where are you " You hear Harry yell searching for you.

"Closet honey" You yelled & he found you.

"Hey....chefs huh?" you question jokingly & then he gives you a kiss.

"Yes, I wanted to do something special for you tonight..." Harry says flashing you his flawless smile with his adorable dimples

"I see should I dress?" You asked. He then revealed two bags from your favorite boutique. He bought you a sun back dress that you have been dying to get.

"Wear this" Harry said

"Babe, how did you know I wanted this dress? thank you babe" You said & then giving him a kiss.

"You mentioned it too me a few weeks back so I wanted to get it for you since you didn't get it yet I noticed" Harry said sweetly

"Thank you babe" You said smiling

"Your welcome love, hurry & change into it... Dinner will be done shortly yeah" Harry said anxious to start the night

You showered quickly, then did your hair and applied light make up to your face. You then went downstairs to find Harry. You did & you both took a moment to admire each other. You love it when Harry is in a half button up shirt with skinnys & his boots. It's your favorite look on him.

"Hey handsome" You say breaking the silence &walking towards him

"Hey beautiful" he said taking your hand & gently kissing it. Harry then leads you to his sunroom. It was a candle light sunset dinner. He's such the romantic.

"Sunset candle light dinner.....your too romantic" You said jokingly with a smile as Harry pulls out your chair to sit down.

"Only for you my love" Harry said the chef brought out the appetizers & then poured you both a glass of champagne. You both talked and enjoyed the appetizers. Then followed by the meal you guys enjoyed. For desert you guys had mountain lava chocolate fudge cake. By the time you finished it you guys were so full. Harry then put on romantic jazz music for you both to dance too. He took your hand & lead you to an open space & wrapped one arm around your waist & took your other hand in his palm. He pulled you close & moved gently to the music.

"I've been dying to spend quality time with you & finally." You said truthfully

"Not as much as I have been dying everyday. I hate letting you down..." Harry said feeling guilty

"You don't let me down, don't ever think that, it's never easy balancing business and personal life. I understand that we can't always be together because your working & I know you try..that's all I can ask is that you try & I see that you try so you never heard me complain" you said softly

"You never do & I guess that's what worries me, you don't, which makes me feel like I'm losing you in a sense" Harry said

"Because I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you & I don't want you to push me away....I'm afraid that things will get too busy in your life & when you feel stressed, you would withdraw from our relationship so it would be one less thing to stress about. Plus I don't want you to think I'm annoying so I don't say anything instead I build up high tolerance, patience & understanding & trust that if you want our relationship just as much as I do we can make it. I know it's crazy to understand.....I don't want to lose you." You said sincerely

"Thank you for being so patient and understanding. Your incredible.....i want you to know that I will always want & love you. Never be afraid to tell me when you really need me, or keep me grounded I want you to do that for me ok...promise me that" Harry says lovingly

"...I promise...Thank you for thinking I'm worth the time and effort" you said

"Your worth more than silver or gold, i did all of this to make up for all the times I couldn't be with you alone on my break....for the nights I've been with you but our eyes are shut & I can only hold you...I wanted to go above and beyond for you..." Harry said lovingly

"This dress, Special prepared & awesome food cooked for the both of us, candle light dinner served at sunset, I actually got to ask you how was your day, this romantic jazz music & slow dancing on a perfect breezy night.....You have out done yourself babe....this night couldn't be anymore perfect" you said with a smile causing him to smile

"I love you"Harry said staring directly in your eyes without hesitation.

"I love you too" You said back & looking directly into his eyes.

He leans down to kiss you gently and sweetly. His kiss gives you chills all down your spine. There is no doubt in your mind that you know you are made specially for Harry. The waiting, distance, lack of privacy, patience & understanding is worth it all because it's his smile, the way he looks at you, & his kisses, & his heart for you reminds you that he is worth it all.

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