Far Away

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Harry's Pov
A two week break from tour was something that I was looking forward to. It has been a mad few weeks & I'm looking forward to break. My girlfriend y/n surprised me by telling me she booked a holiday for just the two of us & well including my bodyguard Taylor in Bermuda. She knew what I've been going through & thought it would be nice to escape. So I was glad she took it upon herself to do it. I was on the plane just about to land to meet her at the hotel. I'm really looking forward to landing and being with her.

Once I did I was happy to not be bothered or stopped by anyone. I was able to walk right into the car & go straight to the hotel. I called Y/n to let her know I'm in route to the hotel. I texted my mom to let her know I landed safely. I spoke to her briefly before leaving . I told her I wasn't coming home & where I was going to be. I've never been to Bermuda before & being here already feels refreshing. Once I arrived i headed straight in. Y/n was already in the room. I knocked & waited for her to open up the door to our condo suite. She quickly did. I scooped her up into my arms walking in while Taylor put my bags in our room.

I just kept planting kissing on theses soft lips that haven't been kissed in almost 2 months.

"It feels so good to see you.....& be with you again" she said softly with a smile

"It feels good to see you, I've missed you so much" I said putting her down on her feet. I have really missed Y/n. Not because of what I've been going through with the lads or anything but because what we have is very special to me. Y/n is very brilliant & very independent. Her mind and how she carries herself is what attracted her to me. No we haven't been together for years or anything but we are almost there & I know she's a good girl for me.She keeps me interested & I fall more & more for her day by day. We are taking things slow but not slow to the point where if anyone in my immediate circle asked me if she's my girlfriend the answer is yes. Y/n cares to keep us private so that our relationship doesn't effect her career & she's very protective of her family. She's really close to them so anything negative light on her she doesn't want her family to worry about. I respect that about her & I've let her take the lead & I like the path we are on.

"I've missed you" she said and then she kissed me.i let go of her to take of my hat & sunglasses off then place them down on a nearby table. I admired how nice this room was. The view was amazing. Y/n slid her hand into mine and led me to the balcony to get a closer view. I've been many places & somethings are the same but the experience are never the same. I felt like I can let my hair down. Let my guard down & not worry about anything.

"This is so beautiful......Harry?!"


"Thank you" she said confusing me

"Why are you thanking me?" I asked not understanding why she said that.it should be me.

"Thank you for agreeing to this holiday . I know you can be doing a hundred other things with this free time. But you decided to be here with me. I'm thankful" she said

I just grabbed her closer to me and kissed her.

"You are exactly what I need right now. I wouldn't rather be anywhere els."

"You want to go to the beach?" She asked with a smile

"Yeah let's have a walk when the sunsets" I suggested

"That's very romantic. Mr.Styles"

"I've always told you I like long walks on the beach at sunset"I said joking making her laugh.

I changed into some beach clothes & then I headed out to the beach with Y/n. When we were walking even with Taylor nobody bothered us. It wasn't many people around anyway but it made me happy I can walk down to the beach with my girlfriend without having to stop. Anytime I can do it it makes me happy. I held her hand as was walked the beach & we just got to talking about different things. I actually laughed which I haven't been able to laugh in a very long time. After our walk she put me in the mood. So we went back to the room so I can finish what she started. After climbing slowly down from our highs we have a habit of get super hungry at least I do. Y/n's stamina is crazy especially being that I was the one she decided to give her innocence to me.

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