He Tells You No

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You were going to try and get Harry to come to a dinner for your somewhat friend Janice. You had got cornered into saying yes because she guilt tripped you saying your never there for her. Tomorrow is the dinner and you don't want go alone.

Harry was home in his studio just writing. You went down there to go talk to him.

"Hey babe" you said lovingly

"Hey love how are you" Harry said looking to you away from his huge iMac .

"I'm good" you said coming over to give him a soft and gentle kiss.

"You have a look on your face.....what's up?" Harry said in suspicion already knowing your about to say something

"Babe your not doing anything tomorrow night aren't you?" You started off saying

"No I planned on having a quiet night in" Harry said

"How about we go to dinner." You said

"Dinner??" Harry asked

"Yes dinner, Janice invited me & I kinda got suckered into going & I don't want to go alone." You said

"Absolutely no." Harry said making you laugh

"Come on babe, please do it for me. I need you." You said cutely

"No, I am not going, I don't like Janice and her people. You know I don't like being around her" Harry said making you both laugh

"I know babe but don't leave me hanging....please come " you asked giving him your pouty eyed look

"Nice try babe but no, I really want to be in the house & not do anything" Harry said

You got up and sat on his lap putting each leg on both of Harry sides and wrap your arms around his neck

"Babe why are you saying no to me...you can never resist me." You said trying hard and seducing him so he can say yes

"Babe, come on, I said no and I'm not going." Harry said firmly and then you started kissing on his neck while running your hands through his soft brown curly long hair. You then kissed on his ear and nibbled on it a bit which happens to be one of his turn ons. You are sure you have attacked his weakness. Your sure he will give in now and change his mind.

"Come on babe, do this for me please?" You whisper sexily in his ear to seduce him.

"No babe, I'm not caving. I'm not going. I love you but I'm not going. I'll bail you out but I'm not going. No it will be a waste." Harry said firmly

You pout and get an attitude

"Looks like somebody isn't getting any cuddles for awhile." You said while getting off of him

"Stop being like that" Harry said and smacking your butt as you walk away

"DONT touch me, my bum is not yours anymore. None of this is yours & that's all because you can't do one job for me. You only had 1 job" You said pouting and making yourself laugh a bit and Harry laughs

"babe I'm not doing that 1 job, stop being like that. I tell you no one time & you act like that.....i spoil you way too much.. " Harry said shaking his head

"I'm so upset with you" You said

"I know, you will be ok babe" Harry said trying to hide his laugh

"It's not funny, I ask you for 1 thing just 1 & you not trying to come through with it." You said being upset

"It's ok babe. You will be ok don't worry.....I want you to stay no more than 45 minutes at the dinner & I want you home" Harry said having the nerve to boss you around

"Whatever." You said walking out playfully & you hear Harry laugh to himself. Your really mad he said no & will be stuck at this dinner by yourself tomorrow.

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