MacBook Love

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You were very upset because your laptop keeps overheating and shutting down on you. That night you where suppose to Skype Harry since he wanted to see you. You texted him and told him that you have to FaceTime instead of Skype.

He finally called you to FaceTime and you answered.

"Hey babe" you say kinda sad
"Hey love what happened to your laptop?" Harry asked
"It's messed up I'm going to have to get a new computer sadly" you told him
"Awww it's ok love.what and when do you plan to get one " Harry asked
"I think I'm just going to get a MacBook Pro, apple products last longer. I might get it next month...i have bills to pay first...anyway I heard a rumor your coming here tomorrow is that true" you say curiously

"Ughhhhhhh how did you find out I wanted it to be a surprise" Harry complains

"Awww I'm sorry, but babe you know nothing really gets passed me when it comes to you ...but your fans told me." You say with a giggle

"Well yes I'm coming to see you for a few days. I miss you" Harry says lovingly

"I miss you too ! I can't wait to see you so excited what time are you going to be here" you asked excited

"I'll be there a little after noon & then I'll come straight over"Harry says
"Yay I can't wait. We can have brunch and then whatever you want to do is up to you, we can sleep, go for a walk or drive it doesn't matter." You said excited
"I can't wait to see you have no idea how much I missed you." Harry said

You guys talked for a bit more and then hung up. Harry was very tired and you can tell. He really needed sleep but Harry always makes sure that he puts in the time he can into your relationship. He gives you 100% and you meet his 100% right back.

The next morning you slept in without even realizing it. You woke up to only see Harry walking in like he's been here for awhile.

"Harry your here" you said with a big smile and you get out of the bed to hug him

"Hey love, I wanted to be here before you woke up. Which was my way to surprise you & I have another little surprise for you." Harry says

"What " you asked curiously. Harry then pulls out the apple bag and hands it to you.

"You didn't" you said "oh I did love surprise, I got you a new Mac on my way over." Harry says kissing your cheek.

"Your a jerk, I told you I was going to buy it myself," you say playfully hitting him

"I'm a jerk that loves his girlfriend. Anything my girlfriend wants and needs she gets. Plus I didn't want you to go a longtime with out a computer. We need our Skype dates, FaceTime signal sucks ass" Harry says jokingly making you both laugh

"Thank you ,I love you and I appreciate you for giving me this." You say and plant a sweet kiss on his lips.

"You are most welcomed my love" Harry says lovingly

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