Post One Direction Life

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I am so mad at Harry. Like he did this to me on purpose. Wait til his ass come in this house.

"Good evening my love" Harry came in from the garage to kitchen entrance to greet me.He kissed me on my forehead & then looked at me funny because I didn't return the gesture.

"Sit down I need to talk to you" I said simply ordering him. In my not so serious tone.

"Oh shit" Harry said laughing at me. Not taking me seriously.

"You know what you did" I said lightly

"I swear I don't know what going on " Harry said laughing

"You did this to me on purpose. You lie" I said laughing at his silliness

"What did i do to you?"

"You got me pregnant on purpose that's what ! " I said

"I swear I didn't do it on purpose! "

"You did fool. Stop lying" i said

"Oh my god were pregnant. That is wonderful news. We need to celebrate "

"No now I'm serious , I'm not celebrating the fact I'm pregnant. I've allowed myself & you to be to comfortable with our situation. You can't even give me a marriage. A life long spiritual commitment. We have been together for 6 and a half years now. We both failed to ever pose the next step in the relationship. But yet you knock me up. Is this what we call the next step?"

"6 years is a long time. 6 years! I'm not going anywhere. I have been so happy with us & im going to remain happy & comfortable for now the rest of our lives. You can't leave me now"

"Like hell I am but that's not the point. You know I wanted to be married first. & damn I didn't even want a baby right now. You didn't even take into consideration of how I felt"

"But having a baby & getting married was all I ever wanted. You knew that...."

"But how you going to wake up one morning & just be like hey I want a baby. I think it's time... give me a baby but take your precious time in getting me a ring, & a wedding? That doesn't even make sense "

"I know, it looks bad & it sounds bad as it looks. But the bottom line is we are going to stay together nothing bad is going to happen between us. "

"That's what you don't get. I just said I didn't want to have a baby right now"

"But we are having it anyway. When did you find out?"

"Today at my doctors appointment. We're getting off topic here did you hear what I just said?"

"I heard exactly what you just said. But it doesn't matter because we can't undo what's done & we aren't, you are not going to undo what's done"

"You honestly think that I would do something stupid like that you maroon. I should kick you"

"Of course not & don't kick me. I just wanted to say it. What is it that you really want to get to saying?"

"The question is what are we both afraid of? I refuse to end up like certain people we know"

"Don't look at what happened years ago get in your head. I am not that guy. That situation does not compare to us."

"It might as well be its been 6 years Styles........................
............ We said in the beginning if in the end we are where we are suppose to be then it will be beautiful & that's a beautiful thing. Well guess what 6 years later you are here & I am here. It doesn't get more beautiful than that."

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