That Time of The Month

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This morning you had to push yourself to go to work. You woke up with cramps & swollen feet. It was that time of the month for you & you had to do what you had to do to get through the week.

You were finally off work & on your way home to finally get in the bed. You needed to go to the store to get your essentials but you decided to nap first and then go to the store.

You woke back up because you felt a sharp back spasm. You turn over to get out the bed only to be greeted by your boyfriend Harry.

"Hey love are you ok" he asked worried "I need some pain killers" you say through your pain. He rushed out of bed to get you some water & some medicine. He came back shortly after and gave it to you to take. After taking the medicine you took a short deep breathe & released.

" long have you been here" you asked simply "two hours max, I've been calling you all afternoon & you didn't answer so I came to check on you."Harry says and then kissing your forehead.

"I'm sorry I just kinda fell asleep & I haven't been feeling soon as I saw the bed & got out my clothes I just passed out" you said telling him what happened. "Yeah I notice it's the time of the month, I went to the store for you I noticed you were running low on somethings" Harry says sweetly

"Aww babe you didn't have to do that, I was going to go after I took a nap." You say simply while rubbing your lower back. "don't worry I took care of your back still bothering you" he asked full of concern.

"I just feel a little stiff that's all" you said and Harry helps to run the stiffness away. "Maybe you should try laying in this heating blanket I bought you it should help you lay comfortable...I noticed you move quit a bit in your sleep more than usual." Harry says always knowing you and your body. He always knows how to take care of you when your not well.

"You bought me a heating blanket"you asked with a giggle. "Yes let's try it out" Harry says while leaving the bed to open up the heating blanket. He then gets it & puts the huge heating blanket on you. "Give it time to warm up.....are you hungry love....we can order take out tonight if you want" Harry said "I have a taste for some baked chicken from Xcess" you said and Harry got right on the phone to call and order the food to be delivered.

"Harry....this heating blanket is love. I'm so glad you got this" you said feeling the warmth caress your body making you feel good. "I'm glad it's working love" Harry says leaning in to kiss you. Your food was delivered shortly after & y'all ate in bed. After eating you both watched movies and cuddled in the comfortable heating blanket. Your body was never the same after getting out of it. It made you feel so much better.

"Thank you baby for coming to take care of me I know you had to move your schedule around & I'm sorry for not answering..." you were going on until Harry cut you off. "Love you come first always & don't apologize, I know how that time of the month effects you. I will always take care of you ok." Harry says making sure you understand he's not going anywhere.

"I love you so much...& thank you for always being by my side and taking good care of me. I love you" you say genuinely. "I love you more babe." Harry says and then planting a sweet kiss on your lips.

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