Adding The Story

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I was back home from the studio. I had a session with Pharrell and it was amazing. I always wanted to work with him and finally it's happening.

When I got home I had lots of mail & some happened to be Y/n. One piece of her mail caught my eye & it's from the Sinai hospital.......hmm. Why does this Sinai hospital thing sound familiar to me but it doesn't sit right with me. More importantly why is it half open. I hope nobody tried to go through the mail. I told Chanice about that.

I almost feel like I should open it but wait until Y/n gets home. Speaking of which where is she? She should be off work by now. Oh look she's calling me, I tell you the truth my thoughts and reality is pretty on que today.

"Hey love where are you? "

"I'm on my way home, do you feel like Chinese tonight?"

"Yeah that's fine"

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Something from Sinai hospital came in the mail for you, I thought you had go to the doctors in Beverly Hills ?"

"I went to another doctor this time for something els, that's probably just a bill for when I went"

"Ok I'll take care of it"

"NO NO NO NO, I mean no you don't have to worry about it , that's why I have insurance."

"I get the feeling you are hiding something from me, aren't you.."

"Hurry why are you all up in my business" she said playfully.

"What business do you have? Your business is my business"

"Listen I'm picking up Chinese, I'll be home in 15, don't open up anything ok!"

"Ok hurry home"

I said then we hung up. I opened all the rest of my mail & handled somethings. Finally Y/n came home with food. I grabbed the Sinai hospital mail. When she put the food on the table I greeted her & kissed her. I can tell she was trying to be discreet & look for the mail but I have it behind my back. She let it go & started making her plate & we ate together. Once we were done I put our dishes in the sink and then I pulled out the Sinai mail.

"Cheeky much aren't you?" She said

"I wanted to be with you when you open it" I said handing it to her and then she opened it. She went through it rather quickly. Quick enough so I wouldn't be able to go through it. I then snatched it out her hand. I then sat on her. I was sitting on her arms and thighs so she couldn't move. She bit my back rather hard. I read through the papers, it all states the results of a surgery what the fuck? She had a fibroid? Then I was crushed reading the last line of the paper.

I paused & got off of her. She looked away in fear of looking me in the eyes. That's when it started to add up. I remember 2 months ago people got pictures of her going into Sinai Hospital. Her mom came into town right before, I'm thinking to hang with her but not to look after her. She was still here for that month I remember. I haven't had sex with her in 4 months.

"You had surgery without tell me?"

"Harry it's not serious like it reads"

"It makes sense now, your mom, fans catching you going to the hospital, you planned that the day after I left on deceived me"

"Harry I couldn't bare to tell you what was happening with me. I couldn't have you stressed about me, you were on tour & then Zayn left & things were falling apart. You needed me to be strong. There was no time or space to be worried. My health wasn't a burden I was going to let you bare. Everything is under control."

"Your having a evaluation done for ovarian cancer on Wednesday. How is that under control?"

"That's just safety precautions, I'm doing, it's not like ovarian cancel runs in my family I'm just doing it for a back since having that tiny procedure to remove my fibroid that's it. I'm going to be fine. I'm strong & there no reason for you to worry"

"The biggest problem I have with this entirely is that fact you held this back from me & you weren't going to tell me. You had no intentions to tell me"

"I was after it was all over"

"No you were not, I would know nothing unless I came home to find this."

"Harry I swear"

"I told you from the beginning that the most important part of a relationship that I value is trust & honesty. I give you no indication to ever want to keep something especially like this away from me."

"I swear I was going to tell you once this was finished"

"I wish I thought that was true, but being that I know you like the back of my hand, you would have gone with this to your grave "

"Harry, you take on so much stress, seeing you hurt over these past couple weeks & fighting to be strong for everyone was maybe one of the hardest things I ever had to witness. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. I love you so much, so much that I couldn't let what was happening to me worry you. Just seeing you be strong only made me stronger. I was going to do was I needed to do to fix my situation. I'm going to be ok. I don't know if they will find anything or not but if they do. Baby I'm going to fight, if they don't I'm gong to fight still to maintain good health."

"You can't do this ever again. You know I don't like being in the dark. I'm trusting you in this relationship that when I'm away physically our commutation is just as strong as I am present physically. I shouldn't have to worry about someone els knowing something about you that I should know. I don't want that or this to happen again. Promise me you will tell me"

"I promise"

I then cupped her face and kissed her gently & meaningfully. She had a few tears to slip away from her eyes. I simply wiped them away.

"I'll be going with you on Wednesday"

"Isn't your session with Pharrell..."

"I'm going with you on Wednesday, end of discussion"


"End of discussion"


"I love you, & I'm going to be by your side through all of this ok"

"I love you too"

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