You Disscus Holiday Season Plans With Him

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The holidays we're coming and it was time to sit down and talk to Harry about the plans for the holidays. This will be your first holiday season with Harry and you want it to be special. You love thanksgiving and Christmas it's your favorite & all you care about is spending it with Harry.

"Harry....babe" you said

"Yes love" Harry said while having his eyes still glued to his laptop

"When you have a moment can we discuss plans about the holidays please?" You asked

"Let's sit and talk about it now" he said eyes still on the laptop

"Babe your still on the laptop, finish that & well talk." You said wanting his undivided attention

"No, no, no I'm finished I can get back to this in moment, I want some tea....let's talk about the holiday agenda" Harry said getting up from his desk and coming over to you to take your hand in his, then giving you a kiss

"Let's get some tea" Harry said while you both walk hand and hand to his kitchen.

"Harry we need to plan what we are doing & I have an idea but I don't want to do this without you" you said as you let go of his hand as he prepares to make you both tea.

"ok what do you have in mind" Harry started off saying

"Well first, we need to rock paper sicssors on who we are spending thanksgiving with. since that's first. Now I'm willing to be with you in Holmes chapel but I do want to be in Houston to see me family....i was thinking maybe we can spend a one day somewhere and another day somewhere els possibly...." you said

"That's a possibility....2 or 3 teaspoons?" Harry said while making your cup

"3" you answered back

Harry finishes making it & places it front of you.

"Babe listen, I know you have to have things scheduled from letters A-Z, and I wish things can be that simple, I really do it's just unfortunate it's not going to work out the way you want it too. My schedule is subject to change & you know we have more promo to do. I'm honestly not sure how many days before thanks giving or Christmass I will have because due to all the circumstances the lads and I've been through over the last 5 months, we have to work much harder than before especially on this album and pushing it out there...I know you are not going to be happy when I say this, but I won't be apposed if you just wanted to spend the holidays with your family....& we can have New Year's Eve to us." Harry said upsetting you

"Harry this is our first holiday season together, I really wanted this to be special & I wanted us to be able to be with our families, id like to spend time with your family & I want you to spend time with mine, I get you have to work babe but all that really matters to me is that I be with you. I'm not spending it alone" You said upset

"We will but I just don't want you to get upset when I have to up and leave, you deserve to spend as much time as you want with your family." Harry said

"It sounds like you don't want to spend the holidays together, I get it we won't then." You said sadly and walking out the kitchen to the sitting area where your laptop is.

Harry follows you and sits on the ottoman to face you directly. He places his hands on both sides of your thighs.

"Sweetheart I'm sorry, I really did just sound like a jerk in the kitchen, I really didn't mean it like that, I'm just trying to get you to understand that during that time it's the most hectic. I know the holidays means so much to you & I don't want to be the reason why you don't get to enjoy with your family because I have to be everywhere, I don't want you to make that sacrifice that's all I'm saying. I wish that I can Rock Paper Scissors with you but I can't and I'm truly sorry about that." Harry said sincerely but you weren't trying to look into his emerald green eyes

"Sweetheart please look at me....please....look at me please...." Harry said while rubbing your thighs to get your attention

"Baby I want you to know I'm truly sorry. I don't want you to get your hopes high. Please understand we will be with our families on thanksgiving and dinner....thankfully time zones will be in our favor. I know things won't likely go our way but I want you to know I'm going to make our first holidays extra special....i promise." Harry said

"How?" you simply ask

"Just trust me." Harry says while winking at you

"It is what it is, I'm over it." You said

"Just trust me love, it's all up to you on what you want to do. I'm trying not to be selfish here. I want you with me the entire time & everywhere I go because incase you forgot I do go back on tour as soon as February comes & that will be here right before you know it, I can't sugarcoat this the schedule has no down time except for the actual day of thanksgiving and christmas. That's all I'm certain of at the well aware this is our first & I already promised you that I will make it special....i really want you with me but I don't want to be selfish because I know you want to be with family & I don't want to rob that from you." Harry said being realistic

"............................Your right, I'm sorry I'm being a brat" you said realizing this really the reality of situation & your being unreasonable & mad at him for him doing his job & somethings he can control

"Your not a brat love, I love that you enjoy these seasons & you want to do all those things. I want you with me & I hope you understand it's just I want you to make the decision on what you want to do. I don't want to ruin that for you because I have to leave, or attend certain things. And be here and there and everywhere & be far away from home." Harry said

"It's our first..........i knew what can happen & what comes along with being your girlfriend & I lost sight of that for a moment....I want to be with you. It's our first holidays & I want it to be special. I don't care how everything turns out as long as I'm with you that's all that matters. I'm sure my family will understand too." You said sincerely

"This is only our first, we will have plenty of thanksgivings and Christmases together ok, I promise" Harry said lovingly

"I'm sorry" you said

"No don't be sorry...I love you." Harry says while getting up from the ottoman and sitting next to you on the couch.

"I love you too" You said & then giving him a sweet kiss. You ended up cuddling. Your head was on his chest & you just shut your eyes for a moment to just take it all in.

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