When You Know He Is Not Going To Call pt 3

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Your POV
I finally dried my eyes. I picked my head up due to Jojo's encouragement.

When we reached my house there were paps camped in my bushes. As soon as I was in my house safely I called the police so they could get them off my property. After the police got them off my property I just went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to Jojo shaking me to get up.

"Get dressed Harry is downstairs"

"What?" I'm so confused

"Hurry up ! Harry is here he wants to talk to you."

"Oh my god" I say so irritated

"God didn't hang on this cross for this mess" I mumble to myself. I quickly did my hygiene routine. I put on Nike leggings & tee shirt. 

I came downstairs to Jojo just finished cooking eggs, bacon & toast. she then left the kitchen. Harry was sitting at the island. I stood on the opposite side of the island to be across from him.

"Why have you come, you could have texted me what you have to say" I said straightforward.

"We need to talk directly face to face. You know I think more of you than just to send a phone call or text."

"Harry you came to see if I'm doing ok. I'm am doing ok without you. We are not together & we are not getting back together. I don't want any parts to do with whatever drama that you have coming your way. You are on your own with that."

"That's why I'm here. I feel horrible about what's happened to you, the harassment from people left & right. I am really sorry for everything. I want you to be ok.
I want you to be safe. No matter how you feel right now towards me I want all those things for you."

"Thanks. It's really risky you came over here to talk to me. I know you mean well but you showing up here is only going to make things worse for the both of us. We can't be face to face with each other. If you want to say anything to me you can just call or text me. That is a limited & only line of communication we will have."

"At least i know you would answer"

Jojo came down in the kitchen to us.

"I called the police , paps are out here again."

I just dropped down onto the floor & just sat there. I covered my face with my hands. I forced myself to hold back tears. I am so angry. I can't even think straight right now.

"I will clean this up. Don't worry about anything ok" Harry said then he left.

It was only a matter of a few hours later everyone knew he was here. Kendall's fans & friends were saying a whole bunch of rude things in the media about me. All of this drama. I just wish i never loved Harry. I want this all to just go away.

Harry's POV

Kendall is mad at me for seeing Y/n. I gave her an explanation for my visit to seeing her. She's being very defensive right now but at this point I don't care because I told her the truth. If she can't accept it then I have been fooled into thinking she matured when she really didn't. I believe I did the right thing to see Y/n. I still have feelings for her. I owed it to myself & to her to let her know I see all what happens to her. I will still care for her & I don't want anything to happen to her.

Y/n has been carrying on strong. She doesn't deal with anything media related. She has been keeping her silence. Y/n really could have said a lot of things. She could have been even worse towards me when I showed up this morning. I was expecting it. But she didn't.

I miss who & what y/n meant to me. I don't know how I ended up here . I guess I just got to see where this goes. If I end up right back to where I started....then ill have nothing left.

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