You Over Hear Them Talking About You

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You and Harry haven't been together that long but things are starting to get serious. You and Harry have been taking things slow & just basically setting up a firm foundation for y'all relationship. Harry let you come with him to a charity function party. It was a way for the other lads to meet you. Liam, Zayn, Louis, & Niall are a very big part of his life. He considers them as his brothers and he wanted them to meet you. You guys got on very well. They were all very sweet & welcoming to you. Zayn and Liam really asked a lot of questions & wanted to know a lot about you. They are the most over protective ones of Harry which your not surprised by. You expected it, you just remained yourself & you can only hope that they like you for you.

Harry was busy doing studio work close by house. You thought it would be nice to bring the him & the lads pizza since you know how long they will be without eating. Harry gave you the address & you met him there. You were a few feet away from the door to enter where they were but you paused because they were having a loud conversation.

"I really think Y/n is lovely, she's funny & down to earth...she's very sweet" you assume Niall who was the one who said that

"I have say Harry, I approve. I think she's someone you can trust...speaking to her and getting to know a bit about her she's very smart & she has a good head on her shoulders...& she's funny" Liam said

"I agree..i hope the best for you guys, don't corrupt her she's a saint" Louis said making everyone laugh. You took this laughing break an opportunity to knock on the door. Harry opens up the door & greets you with a kiss & removing the boxes of pizzas away from your hands.

"Hey lads I bought you guys pizza to have during your session" you said with a smile. They all said hi and thanked you for the pizza before digging in.

You didn't stay long because you didn't want to be a distraction. Harry then walked you to the door.

"Thank you babe for the pizza, we really appreciate it" He said sincerely

"No problem at all babe." You said with a smile

"I'll call you when I'm on my way home" Harry says

"Ok I'll see & talk to you later. " you said & then he gave a loving kiss good night

All the lads said bye & thanked you for the pizza once more. You left feeling relieved that the lads approved of you. You honestly was worried they wouldn't like you. You are really happy they think you are a good fit for Harry. It's really important to you that people who are important to in Harry's life likes you because you are really trying to be in Harry's life for the long run.

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