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"Thank you so so much for making this perfect. It's a really special occasion. & this is just going to top it off. So thank you, I appreciate you for doing this last minute for me" I said thanking my assistant and Mr.Zara for pulling together these presence I want to give to Y/n. I wasn't able to be with her today for her birthday. However I am on my way to fly out to see her now. She will just be waking up by the time I get at her place.

I was double checking everything right before I land. I wanted to make sure that if I forgot something I can get it while I'm out.

Once I landed I headed to Y/n's favorite breakfast bar. I grabbed both myself and her favorites for breakfast. Then I was off.

Y/n's Pov

I woke up early the day after my birthday. It's a calm Saturday morning. I decided to shower. After my shower I decided to get back in bed & watch some cartoons. I then dozed off to sleep for just a small moment & then I heard my doorbell go off & a loud banging on the door. It woke me up.

I got out of bed and grabbed my bat just incase a lunatic tried to attack me.

"Who is it?"I yelled walking to the peephole to see him.

Harry's Pov

"Open up birthday girl" I yelled

"What are you doing here?" I asked while opening the door.

"Supriseeeee" I said being goofy making her laugh. I then hugged her & brought everything in.

"What a surprise." She said nervous & overwhelmed.

"I wanted to surprise you. I really wanted to be with you on your birthday. But I was only able to make it out today"

"I'm happy you are here. Thank you for coming all this way. It was really sweet" she said looking into my eyes sincerely.

"I brought you breakfast & some presences" I said signaling what was in my hands. Breaking our trance.

"I see, it smells so good" she said then taking something's to free up my hands.

We are breakfast & decided to go to the lake. I thought I'd give her a custom bracelet and necklace that I rushed to get her. The vendor who I bought it from took a long time to get it to me. I didn't get it until it was last minute.

"How is the company coming along? I haven't asked you about it in a while" she asked.

"Business is great. All my artist are doing great. Theres some tours coming together. Things are really going. Are you still painting? " I asked

"A little here & there"

"Why haven't you be doing it often as you use to?" I asked curiously

"I've just been busy really. This morning probably would have been the best time to paint. I woke up early. You know I like to paint when the sun is up.....this morning was beautiful. I was just to exhausted "

We approached a bench and sat on it. When we sat down we were just staring each other down.

"I'm happy to see you" she said breaking TV silence

"Me too.........I miss you.....I've missed us"

"Harry" she said looking away.

"What I'm just telling you how I feel. I really do miss you."

"..........I miss you too. You know.....it's been a long time coming. We have made a lot of progress. I'm happy where we are."

"I'm really glad that you have forgiven me."

"I am too."

" you know, I was thinking back to when we were in a bad place. I was thinking about when I was at my lowest. I was just thinking about all the excuses I made for all the things I couldn't do. What I couldn't be. I just look back & see how I am now I appreciate the man that I am today. Even though you were a part of my lowest part. Although I hurt you, that I am not proud I hurt you. That's only thing I wish that I could change . However outside of that I am happy that you were apart of making me the man that I am. I never thought loving someone so much will make a true man out of me. I am so that its you that did that for me. I wouldn't change that for anything"

Y/n just wrapped her arms and hugged me. I was shocked how she just jumped into my arms.
I'm glad she properly received what I was saying to her.

"I'm happy to see what our situation made you of" she said peeling away from our embrace. I saw some tears threatening to roll down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I'm a little emotional still..."

"No it's ok" i said helping wipe her tears away. I caressed her cheek gently to help ease her emotions.

"I just want you to know that even though I was hurt how things ended with us in the past. I never hated you. I could never hate you. Yes I was hurt, yes I was angry, but I just never could hate you. I felt like in the past before you thought I hated you. I was just really angry how you handled it. For a long time I though that because you left me. You were afraid of me because you hated me. I never got the chance to tell I never did" she said sincerely

"You are actually right on time with that."

"We both didn't know how to deal with what we were dealing with. I saw you struggle in a way I've never seen or known of you. It hurt because I was powerless. I wanted to save us from a path I never wanted to go down. But now here we are a few years later"

"For a long time I struggled with not knowing how to handle fear. I let fear over take me & control me. I shut down, hurting everyone in the process. Then finally it brought me down lower than I ever was before. It took me some time to get right. My fear was facing fear. I had no choice to handle it. I did because I love you. Loosing you hurt me. It hurt me to the core. You were my motivation. You changed me"

I then presented the last of my presences to her.

"Harry, this is too much, it's beautiful though"

"I got this for you. It's just a small token of my love for you. I really want you to have it."


"Please?" I said

She looked at me for a moment.

"Only if you put it on right now" she said & I gladly did that for her.

"You loo beautiful "

"Thank you I love it"

"I want to kiss you right now, but I won't until you are mine again. If I were to kiss you now I would ruin everything. Don't give me answer right now. I just want you to think about being mine again. "

"I will think about it. I promise I will."

" I know we love each other. I just don't want to mess up "

"I know. I'm ready to answer  you " is what she said & she did what I never expected her to do..

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