Patience Is A Virtue

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Shooting a music video for single Perfect : check

Interviews for today: check

Show: check

Y/n: No update.....hmm

She should have been here by now.

I used the hotel shower. Once I was done I dried off. I was about to hop in bed & call Y/n until loud knocking on the door boomed through the room. I slipped on my greenbay tshirt & shorts. I then made my way to the door to answer it. I peeked through the door whole. It was my assistant Harper.

"Harper what's the matter?" I asked opening the door.

"I know you want to sleep I just need you look at 1 thing. Just 1 thing. I need your go ahead & I promise I won't bug you until in the morning. I just want to get this 1 last thing done." Harper said entering in the foyer & closed the door behind her. She begged me to look into some stuff for Franklin Xander. He's an A&R & wants to set up a writing session with the singer Kalani.

I just looked at it. It doesn't seem like it's an immediate response situation. I was about to come to a decision until another knock on the door. Ugh what is it now.

I simply just opened the door.

"Hey babe come in" I said naturally. Wait ......

"Hi" she said softly working through along with her suitcase.

"Harper get some sleep. I will look at it in the Morning,  I can't think straight right now. " I said

Harper just gave a simple nod and hugged Y/n on her way out.

Harper closed the door behind herself leaving me and Y/n alone together.

She stood right on me. Face to face. I was taller so I towered over her.

"Hi" y/n said breaking her silence.

"Hi. What took you so long?" I asked

"My flight was delayed. I wasn't sure if I would make it. A hurricane on the radar. The flight had to take another route & everything. I should have called or text. Just knew you were busy. I'm sorry. But I'm here now"

"I guess thrat all that matters. I have missed you" I said bring my forehead gently to hers.

"I missed you sooooo much. " she said & I cut her off with kisses.

Kisses I've been wanting to steal all day today. Her kisses was the only thing that will take me out of this mood I'm in now. It was the only thing that can. Whatever happened today is not important. Y/n was my focus now. She does that to me every time.

"Come, let's both her some sleep. I know you must be exhausted"

I took her hand & led the way to where we will sleep. We both climbed into bed. I big spooned her. As I inhaled her presences. I muttered a I love you before I knew I knew it I was about to go off to sleep. Y/n turned over in me arms.

"Is everything ok with us? I'm concerned"

"Yeah nothing has changed, why'd you ask?" I said through a yarn

"I just happened to noticed that sometimes I think I make you feel some type of way when I'm busy. Like last time when I showed up late. It seemed like you were mad at me for a moment......I just don't want to miss anything. Do you think I'm changing in a bad way?"

"No, i mean, that time I was just a lil grouchy because I was tired. I was waiting for you to come & you didn't show up when you said you would. But pay that no mind. I was just really tired. I do noticed how you are pulled in every direction. I see & know everything......I guess I understand better how you feel when you focus on me. Nothing has changed......we just appreciate each other on another level I think. I'm happy we have trust......I'm happy that you don't let what I do.......hold you back, or make you feel trapped.....I'm happy you are enjoying your career in marketing publishing & real estate. I'm very proud of you. "

"Harry, you have traveled the world, you make history with those 3 cats each time you say or do or sing. You do it all. You motivated me to do what time doing. I just want you to know that. I know it kinda flourished over night almost it seems, & I have to admit it scared me at how fast it happened. But I remembered your story. I just took your story as inspiration and I ran with it. You believe in me, sometimes more than i do for myself. Thank you. I love you so much. I'm glad you don't hold me back. You push me forward. Thanks for doing that for me."

"I will always be that for you. I don't ever want you to give up opportunities. I feel like you sacrificed a lot already for me. I just can't let you sacrifice anymore than what you know........  I can admit. I fight with myself sometimes about how I support you. Don't get me wrong i support you fully. But you know you have to admit there where I few times I should have been there, I could have been there but I didn't show?"

"Umm I guess, "

"When everything you started to do happened. I did worry a lot. I was really nervous. I just didn't want anything to pull us apart. I'm just so use to having you be where you said you will be, you doing what you said you will do. It's just easy to keep up with what's going on in your life when I'm not there. When all of this happened. When you would talk to me about it you were so passionate about it. I was just a bloody nervous reck because I didn't want anything to come between us. But you continue to love me passionately like what you are passionate for. It's only you that can take those nerves I have away. Like today, I was a big grouch. Now granted I'm really exhausted but my mood was bloody terrible. When you came just went away. You mean that much. Do you understand?"

"I will always need you. No matter what happens I will always be there for you. I am insanely in love with you. I'm glad that won't ever change" she said & then she kissed me. Y/n is really addicting. I gave up a long time ago trying to make sure I don't give her that much power over me. I thought it wasn't natural. But when you truly love someone & they truly love you back, there is no turning back. I wouldn't even know how to turn back even if I tried.

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