Nobody Knew We Were Together

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I just arrived home from the airport. Eli took me on a trip to Dominica Republic. We had so much fun. Yes we had great sex on the rooftop, on the beach, pool, the private plane. But don't get the wrong idea we weren't fucking the entire time. We really enjoyed each other's company. I couldn't believe how much I really missed Eli. That was the beauty of it but I wouldn't honest if I didn't say I thought about Harry. It's so bad how I would compare certain aspects about the relationship I have with Eli to the relationship I had with Harry. It's terrible because they are completely two different relationships.

Harry's assistant texted while I was in the car to let me know he would be by later tonight to pick up his contracts & journals. Obviously hes still mad at me. Usually for that kinda behavior I would normally message him directly to tell him to use the spare & pick it up at a later date. But I'm not going to do that. I want peace. I still want to be connected to Harry. Like I said before. He was the best friend I never had.

I was hungry so I decided to cook myself dinner. I was just about to eat until I looked up & noticed
Harry was finally here. I saw him on my security surveillance. I went to go get the door.

"Hello" I said

"Hello" he said

"Come in" I said leading the way inside. Harry followed

"Are you hungry? I just made shrimp medley. You can have some if you want" I said trying to be a host

"No thank you. I'm not hungry" Harry says

"Ok......that's I've called & I have messaged you to apologize for what I have said.....I didn't know what I said would make you feel the way you again I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that face to face since i don't know if you got my messages or calls" I said sincerely as I stood face to face with him.

"I've got your messages & your calls. I wasn't ready to talk & I was busy at the moment" he said

"Ok. How's the re-exploring going with Kendall?" I question in a friendly tone

Harry gave me a look. A look like bitch you funny type of look. I'm uncomfortable.

"The bigger question is how's you & your ex doing....wait isn't it Eli? How are the both of you? I'm really seems like you didn't waste no time to get back with the love of your life" Harry says sarcastically

I didn't know what to react to first, his sarcastic tone or his expression on his face that makes me want to slap him.

"Aren't you the quiet one" he says & crosses his arms.

"You mind changing your tone with me. You are out of line. I want to be at peace with what YOU have decided the nature of our relationship. You left me to go back with YOUR EX. I would have never been in a situation to see Eli if it wasn't for YOU. " I said

"Yet you wasted no time to run back to him" Harry said

"Why do you even care about that?I questioned "I have told you before & I will tell you again. I have never been the the girl to bow down to anyone & sit in any funk. When it came to me & you there were no games." I said

"It doesn't matter, he will hurt you again anyway" Harry said

That was when I was done with this conversation.

"We'll run back to each other & be just like how it once was. Me, you in secret, fun places in secrecy. That's what you want, see I know you better than you think....just wait & see."Harry said

I grabbed his contracts & journals & shoved right into his chest.

"You know the beauty in this is nobody knew who I am & what I meant to you. It's beautiful that I can walk away from you without any hesitation. And you know what when Eli hurts me please believe me that I won't waste time coming after you" I said spitefully back to him

"Good I'm glad you know how it felt & im even more happier that you will know how it feels to know what we had was real & you didn't run after it like you were suppose to. See it doesn't feel so good when you walk away from the one you want....but don't worry about what I just said. Just know that you are just as worse as a celebrities using each other. You know you were using me too" Harry said viciously

I punched his arm & lead him to the door.

"I must have struck a nerve" Harry said

Two & 1/2 weeks later

I was in Harry's bed laying down. I had just woken up from a nap. I was so jet lagged. I had to go to Canada for work & then I came right back to Harry's place.

"I've got lunch downstairs. Come get some lunch" he said then pecking me on the lips.

"I'm not hungry" I said then out of nowhere my stomach growls.

"Ok never mind I'm hungry" I said as we laughed at that weird noise. Harry sat me up & pulled me out of bed to my feet. Harry's arm was wrapped around my waist. I cuddled into his side all the way to the kitchen.

We were at the kitchen table. I sat on his lap as I ate. I started to daze into my thoughts as I ate.

So you are lost as to how we came to this point. It took Harry & I a day in a half to realize we hurt each other. Harry was jealous , I was a liar. I keep my guard up to protect me when really I just hurt the ones that care. See Harry & I will always have a connect nobody will understand. We are great at the relationship we have. We aren't official & we aren't actually together like we were before. We call this new relationship together in spite of the pending relationships we have. If we choose to get serious we have to be real with each other & be ok to let each other go. But it doesn't mean we won't be friends. I'm in love with Harry too. He's my best friend. But I'm also the in love with Eli he still has my heart more than what Harry could ever have. Not because we have history. But because eventually when I'm ready I can hold hands with Eli & not ever be ashamed.Eli will love me like I will always be the only girl in the world. I know that now.Eli knows but can't give me what Harry is giving me right now. Eli has no clue about Harry. Nobody knows anything about me and Harry just like it was before. Eli & I will get there but it's going to take sometime. But Eli is worth it to me. Harry is worth it to me to hang on too.

The end

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