He Convinces You To Move In With Him

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Harry was finally back in LA to be with you and you couldn't be more excited. You were now packing for your stay at Harry's place. You always stayed at his house when he was there. You guys have been dating over 2 years now and things between you guys keeps getting better.

Your were finishing packing and you get a call from Harry to interrupt your thoughts.

"Hey love where are you?" Harry asked curiously
"Hey baby, I'm sorry I'm running a little behind because work had me held me back for a bit but I'm home now, I just finished packing & I'm about to head over to you" you explain
"Oh ok, I was just checking because I'm waiting on you. Do you want me to go ahead and order food?" Harry asked
"Yeah go head, you already know what I like" you said simply
"Ok see you in a bit" Harry a says. You both hung up. You were finally ready to leave. You lock up your apartment and head to Harry's house.

You finally get there. You hug and kiss him a million times because you missed him endlessly. Harry took your bags to his room and then came back to fix his plate of food he ordered for you both.

Y'all sat in his beautiful sitting area and ate together. Then you guys went to the sitting area to play your favorite card games together and scramble. Many people might make fun of you both because you guys love to play board games and old school games. But you guys don't care, you guys love it because it's something you both enjoy & have a lot of fun doing.

After playing around Harry begged you to make him a cup of tea. He loves how you make tea for him. You gladly made it for the both of you & took it upstairs to his room. Harry has a outside balcony that over looks his yard and the beach. The view was so beautiful.
You guys sipped on your tea. Harry looked like something was on his mind.

"We have to talk about something" Harry says seriously

"Why so serious" you say playfully
"It is serious" Harry said firmly

"Is this about the pap thing that happened a few days ago" you asked already knowing he was going to bring it up being that he never really got a chance to talk to you about it.

"Yes. the fact paps have easy access & they camp outside your home is unacceptable. You don't understand how worried I am when we are apart. I don't want to over bare you with security surrounding your house at certain times. I know it bothers you......i want you to move in with me so that I can have one less thing to stress about. I want you to live with me." Harry says seriously

"Are you sure about that, I mean the whole pap thing has died down" you said flustered because your shocked Harry wants you to move in with him

"Yes I'm more than sure. I'm so sure that I already have my closet set up as his and hers and your keys, passwords I mean everything. You know I love being here in California because your here & I have more freedom. I'm always going to come home and see you. When I'm here I want the luxury of knowing the woman I love is already going to be there. I don't have to call her to check and see what's taking her so long to get here. I want you here in bed seeing you sleep peacefully when I come in at ungodly hours from the studio...." Harry says still pleading with you. He then reaches in his pockets to pull out keys and a little black velvet box

"I know you have your reservations. We do pride ourselves on doing things by tradition. Believe me I had every intention on asking you this the traditional way. We be in engaged first and then move in with each other which is what we always talked about....in order for us to get to that point I have to protect you, I have to make sure your safe at all times......this ring is not an engagement ring, this ring is a promise that I am going to marry you very soon. This ring is for the promising future that is ahead of us. In my heart of hearts I know I'm going to marry you soon, but this is my proof solidifying to you that I will fulfill this promise I'm making to you. I'm asking you to take this leap of faith out of love & out of my protectiveness. Please say you will move in with me" Harry says pleading you while opening the box to show off the ring.

"I hate that you knew it was going to take a strong argument to convince me to move in with you...you just have to know my mind & feelings don't you" you say simply

"I'm your soulmate, I will be the only person on God's green earth to know and understand you the best." Harry says cockily with a smile

"I'll move in with you, & I'm holding you to all these promises" you say sternly and he cracks the biggest smile

"Hold me to them all day everyday love if you'd like. " Harry says wrapping you in his arms and kissing you sweetly

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