When You Know Hes Not Going To Call PT 1.

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Adele here ! Found some inspiration & I would like to talk about how this makes me feel.

Your POV

"We need to be apart to figure out what we want to be"

"We are growing apart & I don't know what to do"

"Then let's just separate for awhile"

"I guess that's it"

"I miss you"

All I have been doing is replaying the conversation we had a few days before Christmas. My thoughts stopped until Jojo my bestie, pretty much my sis came in my room.

"You don't still talk to him. Don't you?"

"I haven't heard back from him since Christmas"

"You know?" She questioned

"I just opened my eyes to wake up. What don't I know?"

"I was just on my phone & if we took a little ship down your boy is just a few miles down on a yacht with his ex"

"Damn"I said. I don't even know how this feels. I knew it would happen but damn way to drop us real fast.

"He not shit, his ex ain't shit"

"Thanks sis but it still hurts"

"No it's New Year's Eve & you can be on the down & out about it. I know you still love him. But you need to wake up. This shit happens. You are a career woman, with strong values, a awesome family & are the most beautiful person inside & out. He's famous, cute, naive & more importantly a dumbass for ending things with you. This was always the risk. This is now all about you. Everyone's attention will move to you know & how you feel. It's time to show them how you move on. You keep your head held high, be single for 3 months & finally date, fall in love & get married. That will crush him. That's how you kill a mockingbird"

"You have me all figured out?"

"Yes, if I don't who will?  I won't let you sit here like this. It's New Year's Eve"

"You are right lets hope it happens that way"

I was so hurt about Harry but what can I do. I remember arguing about her with him. It's not surprising at all.

I bet won't get that I miss you text one more time. Only if she knew.

Harry's POV

So she's moved on....it hurts a little but I know she did that to get back at me.

I knew this would sting. It hurt to feel differently towards the one you thought you were in love with. Then granted fall back again for an ex.

It might take a lifetime to correct this mistake. I might take me being with my ex again to appreciate what I had with y/n. I am kinda regretting this but I have to go through this.

Kendall's POV

I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend the new year. I with Harry on vacation & with him as soon as the clock stuck 12.

I can't stop smiling when I am around him. His kisses....his arms wrapped around me. The way we are playful. We can literally joke & laugh about anything.

This whole time here just reminded me of why I fell for him in the first place.

We aren't official as of yet but I know we are going to be. We haven't really talked about it yet & to be honest I am a little nervous to. I just don't want to ruin the vibe but most importantly he just broke up with his old girlfriend. It would make me nervous to know if he's not ready for me & him because he isn't completely over her. So I'm just trying to not get too ahead of myself. When he asks that when I know this is real.

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