Your Mentioned In a Interview

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"So we have one last question. A twitter user wants to know since 3/5 members are in relationships who in your relationship is the most clingy" Mike the interviewer asks

"To be honest we simply don't have that in either one of us character. We're free spirited and we respect each other's space at the sametime. " Louis

"Uhh.....umm I don't know." Zayn says "Harry who do you think is clingy..." Zayn says turning the attention away from him

"Answer honestly Harry" Mike said jokingly

"Umm....I really don't like to use the word clingy has so many different meanings & people make it seems so negative...but I would have to say I'm very protective of my girlfriend if I'm honest. I just wouldn't call that clingy" Harry says always giving a insightful response

"Harry is whipped, he always throws a fit when he's away from his love" Zayn jokes causing everyone to laugh

"I can imagine Harry's girlfriend is fit you better be protective Harry she's a keeper" Mike comments Harry just laughs

"But recently Harry Ok Magazine named you and y/n one of the hottest couples of the month. So tell us how does she handle being in the spotlight, people compare you guys to Jay-z & Beyonce or Ashton Cutcher & Mila Kunis because we see you guys have fun like them. & everyone that sees you guys together says I want a relationship like them, they have fun and you can tell they are genuinely in love. you guys are basically a fine example of what love looks like" Mike says

"Umm I certainly knew nothing about the OK Magazine so thank you to Ok Magazine. umm one of the things I admire so much of my girlfriend y/n is her maturity and her humbleness. I've always been amazed by her brain she's very brilliant. & so I think the best part of our relationship that people see and relate to is we are ourselves with each other & so comfortable. We don't try to be like anyone we are just ourselves & I guess that's what people see & appreciate." Harry simply says

"Lovers that are best friends basically" Mike adds on

"Pretty much " Harry says simply

"Now you guys have been together in secret for a long time before everyone found out why was the relationship in secret & do you wish it was still kept a secret" Mike asked

"It was never a secret we just keep things private. I haven't been the one to lie about being in a relationship. Lying is bad for business I always say. But umm were not secretive we just keep private about things that's all" Harry says

"I always say the best relationships are the ones where everyone knows your together but doesn't know your business... Well that's all we have time for. Make sure everyone you buy YOU & I EP right now. Ladies & Gentleman boys and girls ONE DIRECTION " Mike says

After listening to the interview you text Harry that you were listening & that you loved everything he said & you love him very much.

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