He Defends You In An Interview

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Harry's Pov

I'm so annoyed with media right now. Y/n & I went to an art gallery two nights ago and Kendall who I like to call a non serious somewhat of a relationship who I can possibly consider her as an Ex was there. Kendall is a nice girl but we just didn't work out simply. I was just in a different place in life & she wanted to be serious but I just didn't find her worth giving my all to her after properly getting to know her. When Y/n came into my life I had to have her. She is unique, & so different. She just honestly made me fall hard and fast for her. I love her & I can't live without her. Loving her is so easy. Y/n is the one for me and I wouldn't mess that up. There has been no communication between me and Kendall since I told her a year and half go that I thought it would be best if we just be friends & nothing more.

At the art gallery we did end up being in the same exact space. I would never be rude and not say hello & I would never disrespect my girlfriend. I said hello & Kendall said hello. I introduced Y/n as my girlfriend and they both said hello to each other. She ended up talking to one of our other friends & we all enjoyed small talk & then she left to go talk to other people.That was all that happened.

I was attended a launch party with the lads. We just arrived and we were taking some pictures on the red carpet & then doing a interviews with some people. Liam had joined me in a interview with Entertainment tonight.

"So Harry, recently we saw that your were at the Art Gallery showcase for Andrew Shepherd & your ex Kendall was present was them meeting each other awkward...we heard that Kendall isn't completely over you?" The lady said

"It wasn't awkward at all, Kendall is a respectful lady & my girlfriend Y/n is a respectful lady. We all said hello to each other & that was the end of it. That night was about my girlfriend and I supporting one of our good friends & we had a good time" I said simply

"There has been a lot of reports saying Kendall was hurt & felt weird being in the same room with you & your girlfriend.....did your girlfriend feel intimidated about the situation?" the lady asked again

"My girlfriend isn't intimated by nobody. My girlfriend is very confident and it's one the qualities I love about her. I can only stand & talk about my girlfriend. She would never disrespect anyone or let anyone disrespect her. She has a good heart & she gets on with people so well & so again that night was about my girlfriend and I enjoying a night out together & supporting our good friend Andrew." I said simply & Liam pulled me away from the lady because I was getting irritated. The lady was trying to get me to talk about Kendall & I wasn't going to because I honestly don't give 2 shits about how Kendall felt I don't give a fuck.

"You can never catch a break can you" Liam said trying to joke & get my mind off of it

"I must can't Liam, if you didn't pull me away I was going to slip up & say I don't care about about how she felt she's not my girlfriend." I said truthfully

"I know that's why I did it, you had that look in your eye like you were about to do it.....good job standing up for your woman Haz, that's the way you do it" Liam said hugging me by my shoulders & shaking me

"Thank you Liam" I said simply

"I taught you well my little grasshopper " Liam joked making me laugh

I calmed down & enjoyed the festivities. I don't like when people say negative things about my girlfriend. They can say all they want about me but my girlfriend is off limits. She does nothing to nobody. I know she can defend herself but I won't ever put that power in her hands to do so in those situation because she doesn't need to. It's my job as her boyfriend to stand up & be a good man for my girlfriend. I defend her & protect her from rubbish reporters and stuff. That's all there is too it.

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