Chapter 2. Rewind

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We were running still running. "Hurry!" Alex shouted. He was way in front of us.

"What if they didn't see us?" Nico shouted as we were running.

"Well, then, we're getting in our cardio!" Chase shouted. My feet were killing me and I was struggling to run. My heeled boots weren't helping.

"Chase Wait a second." I said to him. He came to a stop. I put my hand on his shoulder and yanked my boots off. "Ok we can continue now." I said before running again.

"They definitely saw something." Karolina said from behind us. My feet were hurting from running on them on a rock solid ground but that didn't matter. My parents were murderers maybe that's what all of their PRIDE meetings were about.

"Way to go, Molly!" Gert said. Calling out her adopted sister.

"I said I'm sorry." Molly replied back. In this case sorry would never be acceptable ever again. We made it back to the staircase. Chase had another grip on my arm just so I wouldn't fall.

"Shit! Which one of you guys closed the door behind us?" Alex asked us. I didn't even know that it was shut. I thought it would still have been open.

"Are we trapped down here?" Karolina said. I was hopping I wasn't.

"God, it won't budge! It must be locked." Alex told us. Chase walked in front of me and walked towards the door.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Wilder, but a little upper body strength might help." Chase told him. He pulled up his sleeves and started pushing on the door, grunting. "Heavier than it looks." He said admitting defeat.

"Yeah, everyone, come on, push together." Alex told us. I walked up to the door and started pushing on it along with the others except Molly. It still wouldn't budge.

"I hear footsteps." Molly said. I started pushing on the door with more force. We were all grunting trying to move it. Molly walked up to the door and pushed it. The doors opened wide. I almost skidded across the floor but I didn't. I put my boots back on. The doors shut behind us.

"Let's keep moving." Alex told us. We ran across his backyard to his guest house. "You guys into the guest house. I have an idea." Alex told us. We all stopped.

"Yeah? What if it's a stupid idea that makes things worse?" Chase said to Alex.

"What if you get yourself killed or us?" I said to Alex.

"I don't see how that's possible." Gert said. I clearly did.

"They could be coming for us next." Karolina said getting my point.

"I trust you Alex." Nico said. Alex nodded and ran back over to the main house. While we ran back into the guest house.

"It must've been some kind of Gibborim ceremony for a higher level than me. That girl, Destiny, she's in the church. That's the only thing that makes sense." Karolina said. I don't think any of our parents were Gibbs. At least not mine.

"Are you kidding? That makes no sense. My parents are Jews, not Gibbs. But they are scientists. Maybe they were just doing some cool experiment that involved stuffing a human in a box." Gert said to us. She was overthinking. What kind of experiment would let you put a human into a box.

"Look, the box kind of looked like a transporter, right? My dad is obsessed with time travel. Maybe he finally figured it out." Chase said. I did make sense though.

"Great theory. Doc brown." Gert told him. I smirked a bit. Molly started yawning. "I'm sorry, Molly, are we boring you?" Gert asked the yawning Molly.

"Guys, whatever happened, I think our parents killed that girl." Nico said.

The Lacrosse player and the bad girl // Chase Stein x Reader // Runaways ✔️Where stories live. Discover now