Chapter 32. The Broken Circle

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Once it got to later on, I was just wondering what they could be doing to Molly. I heard thunder outside. "Guys, it doesn't seem like Molly's been here." Gert said to us, I was checking a few rooms upstairs, but she gone.

"Molly!" I shouted trying to see if she would respond.

"Maybe she's still at the church!" Karolina said to all of us. She had to be.

"Yeah, which is totally crawling with Morgan's followers." Chase said to us all.

"Let's just hope she didn't make friends with them." I said before checking around a door. Nothing.

"Well, Molly wasn't captured with the rest of you. Maybe she got away." Nico said to us before we all looked around more,

"Well, I mean, she kicked my ass, I'm sure she'll be fine." Chase said to us, I saw an open window and decided to go out it. Was it bad that I was sneaking away a lot. I mean probably but I had to try and find any information on anything. I was still destroying all phones that I saw in sight. I needed to sort this whole thing out by myself. It was dark out but I didn't mind it. It seemed nice at night. Nothing to hurt me. Once I got home I saw that Chase was still awake.

"Where did you go?" He asked me, I looked at him.

"I went out. I couldn't be trapped here." I said to him, making him shake his head.

"Y/n it's too dangerous to leave this place alone, and without telling anyone. What if something had happened to you? Especially out in this storm." He said to me, I looked at him.

"I'm ok, but for now I'm exhausted. I drained my powers." I said to him before passing out on the bed, I couldn't be asked to what up for anyone. Even if that meant Molly. It wasn't long before Chase woke me up, we had a plan to discuss.

"Those of us who've been to the other side know how bad it'll be if Morgan succeeds. So we gotta take the fight the fight to her. Tonight." Alex said to us, but how were we going to find her.

"How? We've seen what the Whispers from the phones can do." Chase said to us, that's why I'd been destroying all in my sight.

"And what's to stop Morgan from turning all of us into mindless killer drones?" Dale asked us, there would be nothing at all.

"Then, not to pile in the bad news, but even if we do manage to stay unechanted ourselves, Morgan still has an entire army." Gert said to us.

"An army that is way bigger than us." I said to them, and more powerful as well.

"And an army that's growing. Those phones have been distributed up the entire coast." Leslie said to us, there was no chance.

"So we're talking hundreds of thousands of users." Stacey said to us, it was more than that.

"More like millions." Geoffrey said to us, that seemed about right.

"What's this army for, anyway?" Chase asked, who knew at this rate.

"In Morgan's case, I don't think preserving national security and defending the Constitution." Victor said to us, this was about taking o er the whole world.

"Maybe it's like a new church. A leader isn't a leader without any followers." Karolina said to us but she was brainwashing them into this.

"Every good dictator- -and by good I mean bad- -needs a loyal army to maintain power." Gert said to us, they were getting the power from the people using the phones.

"And to draw power from. Maybe Morgan is using those followers like she used Molly, to amplify her magic and tear down the veil." Tina said to us all, that had to be the reason. Using Molly could've made them stronger.

The Lacrosse player and the bad girl // Chase Stein x Reader // Runaways ✔️Where stories live. Discover now