Chapter 15- Harder To Breathe

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  • Dedicated to Everyone


"Harry, please tell me what happened." I begged as I knelt down in front of him. He hadn't said a word since I he had called me last night.

"Lou," I whined. 

"Harry, come on." Louis said trying to help.

"Please Haz." I cooed as I placed my hand on his knee. I felt him shiver at my touch and I pulled away remembering everything that had happened between us.

His eyes welled with tears and he pushed them back by blinking at few times.

"Seriously Harry, did someone hurt you?" I asked starting to get worried as I leaned in closer.

He shook his head and sniffed a little.

"I'm going to bed." He muttered and stood up. He shoved his hands into his pockets and started off towards his room.

"I'll come." I said without even thinking. He looked back at me and hung his head. I followed him into his room forgetting everything that Holly had told me. There was no way I could ignore him now, he needed me.

He slumped down onto his bed and I sat down beside him rubbing his back.

"Haz, please tell me whats wrong, I want to help." I said.

"No one can help me." He said staring up at the ceiling.

"Why not?" I asked becoming even more worried.

"Because, Niall I made a mistake and if she-" He stopped.

"If she what? And who?" I asked.

"Can we please not talk about it?"  He begged.

"If you want." I said.

He nodded his head and let it fall to my shoulder.

"Even though if means nothing...." He said. "I love you."

My heart stopped. God why was this so difficult. Why couldn't I just say that I loved him back and kiss him? Because of Holly, because of the world. Because being in love with your best mate just wasn't accepted. I couldn't even imagine what my family would think.

I turned my head and kissed the top of his forehead. Right at the moment I felt perfect, and whole. Like nothing could ever hurt me, like Holly never existed. But of course she did.

Over the next couple weeks we only got Harry to smile twice. He would jump every time the phone rang and he refused to watch T.V. And I had still not gotten him to tell me what was wrong. 

I went out with Holly 3 times that week, only by force of course. I would have much rather stayed with Harry but I knew what the consequences of saying no to her were. And I didn't want to live through that again.

Everyday she would tell me do hurt Harry, I always pretended like I was doing it. She was firmly convinced now that Harry hated me and that he wouldn't even talk to me. Well she was half right. He may as well hate me but I wasn't going to hurt him anymore than I already had. He was too important to me.

"Yo Haz, want me to make you something to eat?" I asked. His head popped up over the couch.

"Sure." He said. "But I'll help." 

He climbed off of the couch and came into the kitchen.

"We should make that really good chicken cheesy pasta that you made for Lou's birthday that one time." I told him.

He nodded and shuffled about the kitchen.

We set to work on Louis' favorite meal.

"So where's everyone else?" I asked him trying to get a conversation going even through I already knew where they were.

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