Chapter 50- Right Next To You

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Hi Loves, Check out my new book: I Hate You Out Loud!

Nicholas Pierce is the most annoying boy Émile has ever met. Everything about him annoys him. His stupid bleach blonde hair, the way he performs on stage like he's some kind of star, the way everyone just immediately loves him, the way he gets all of the attention of Émile's favorite professor. He even hates the way Nicholas's eyes turn stormy grey every time he looks at him. He hates the way Nicholas makes him feel, but he can't seem to stay away from him. Émile Laurents is a second year Lighting Design Major at the University of North Carolina School for the Arts. Son of a real estate agent and internationally recognized oil painter he's never had trouble getting what he wanted. Things have always come easy to him - except Nicholas Pierce.Nicholas Pierce is a freshman Musical Theatre Major from small town Hillsborough, NC. He doesn't know a whole lot about the world outside of his hometown. He finds himself in over his head as he goes from leading man to a big fish is an even bigger pond. He's way too talented for his own good and unfortunately needs Emile's help to stay on top.

Thanks for reading!



"Did you invite Eleanor?" Harry asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, but she's not coming, she has a family thing." I said I saw Liam straighten up out of the corner of my eye. And believe me I was thinking the same thing he was. Tonight would be ours.

"Niall, come here." Harry said as he stood back and frowned at the steamers he was trying so hard to put up.

"What?" Niall chirped.

"Do these look right?" Harry grimaced.

Niall chuckled and reached for the tape. "Not in the slightest."

"Hey!" Harry protested.

"Let me help." Niall said.

Harry huffed but let his boyfriend step in. Niall reached up for the streamers that hung from the ceiling causing his shirt to lift up a bit. I saw a flash of lust' pass through Harry's eyes as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes at him chuckling at his antics. You could tell that they were really in love.

"They're really cute aren't they?" Liam making me jump out of my skin. When did he get over here? I asked myself.

"Liam!" I breathed. "You scared me."

He smiled and clapped me on the shoulder. "Deep breaths Lou." He said.

I nodded feeling my stomach twist in knots from his grip on me.

"Well, I think that's it!" Niall announced clapping his hands together.

"Looks awesome lads!" Zayn said. I looked around taking everything in. There were little tree lights hung around all the windows and doors, streamers around the walls, lanterns and a fire were lit on the patio, and the snacks were all sitting out on the bar.

"Well we have about an hour." Liam said glancing at the clock on the wall.

I climbed up the stairs to my room to get changed as did the other lads, they spilt into my two guest bed rooms for the next few days. But I had a feeling somehow Zayn would be sleeping alone tonight.

I shrugged out of my clothes and made my way to the bathroom for a quick shower. Once I was clean I pulled on some underwear and blow dried my hair putting it up into my newly developed quiff. Apparently management thought we looked more desirable this way, and I agreed.

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