Chapter 6- Heart Skips A Beat

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Niall and I finished preparing the food and headed off to get changed.
I pulled on my swim trunks and a t-shirt. We met the other lads on the patio.
Just then Ellie and Dani walked in followed by Perrie. We all greeted them and settled down around the pool.

"Well, I'm getting in." Louis said standing up.

"Me too." Eleanor said. Soon enough Niall and I were the only ones not in the water.

"Wanna get in?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"Why not? It's bloody hot out here." I said.
"I don't want to." he said.
"Come on, please Niall? For me?" I begged.
He groaned and rolled over.
"Fine." he said.
I smirked and sat up pulling my shirt up over my head as I did. I could've sworn I heard his sharp intake of breath.
He looked up at me, his eyes roaming my body.
"Harry, you've gotta start training me." he said. I smirked, he noticed my body.
"Will do." I said standing up and holding my hand out to him. I pulled him out of his seat and waited for him to remove his shirt. He seemed to hesitate as he pulled it off of his body. My heart literally stopped at the sight of him. He was so sexy.
"Stop staring its rude." he said regaining his confidence.
"Sorry, I can't help it." I said flirtatiously taking a step closer to him.
He blushed and started towards the edge of the pool. Before he had the chance to jump in I tackled him and set us both flying into the water.
"Harry!" he shouted when we surfaced.
"Yes, Niall?" I asked with my arms still around his waist.
He pushed me away and shot me a look.
"I'll get you back." he said.
 "Sure." I said. He rolled his eyes and made his way over to where everybody else was. I followed him and joined them in the corner. Eleanor was telling a story about how awful her last modeling job was. About an hour later we climbed out and went into the kitchen for dinner.
"God, this is good Harry." Danielle said as she took a bite of her grilled chicken sandwich.
"Niall helped." I said smiling at the boy beside me.
"So let's get changed and play some truth or dare?" Liam asked winking at Danielle. She smirked and threw herself into his lap. Niall's bare leg was brushing up against mine again making my heart rate speed up.
We threw the dishes into the sink and went to change. I pulled on a pair of grey Abercrombie sweatpants and my favorite purple jack wills hoodie. I grabbed my phone and went out to the lounge. Niall was the only one done. He had on a pair of sweats similar to mine and a white t-shirt. I laid down beside him on the floor leaning back against the couch.
"if we play spin the bottle, I'm leaving." Niall said.
"What you don't want to kiss me?" I asked smirking at him.
His face went red.
"No- I mean- its just-" he stopped as the rest of the started to file in.
Zayn had his arms full of soda which he passed out to everyone and then plopped down beside me with Perrie on his right.
Lou came in with practically our whole pantry in his arms and tossed it all down in the middle.
Niall lunged for the bag of crisps immediately.
"Eager are we?" I asked.
"Ive been looking for these!" he said.
I chuckled and leaned my shoulder against his, ignoring the strange feeling in my stomach.
"Want one?" he asked holding a crisp out to me
"Niall Horan, sharing his food? Somebody call the doctor!" I said. He smiled.
"Only with you." he said leaning in. Oh God, was he flirting with me? That definitely was something.
I opened my mouth trying to ignore my burning cheeks. He smiled and put the crisp in my mouth. I had to agree, it was possibly the best crisp on earth. Not to mention the fact that Niall was the one who gave it to me.
"Are you two done flirting? We wanna start." Zayn said nudging me in the side. Niall's face turned a deep shade of red. Louis caught my eye as Liam started the game. He smirked at me knowingly. As if on cue my phone buzzed in my pocket.
-I think he's falling. Lou xx
I smiled. I kinda agreed with him for once. Maybe just maybe, Niall had feelings for me.
The game continued on and it eventually landed on me. I was panicking inside because I knew that either way I went it could end up bad.
"Truth or Dare?" Liam asked.
"Truth." I said.
"Pussy." I heard Louis whisper.
I glared at him and he started laughing.
"What's your biggest secret?" Liam asked looking at me like he knew something that I didn't.
Niall moved uncomfortably beside me making me even more nervous.
"If I told you then it wouldn't be a secret anymore." I said.
"True." Liam said his eyes still holding mine.
I shrugged.
"I don't really have any secrets." I lied.
"Really?" Liam asked.
I nodded.
"I tell you guys everything." I lied again. There was no way I was telling them like this. I'd tell them when the time was right.
"I don't think Harry has any secrets,  he tells me everything." Louis said. Thank God for you Lou. I thought.
"Well, it was worth a shot." Liam said leaning back and putting his arm around Danielle.
"Lou, truth or dare?" I asked.
"Dare." he said without skipping a beat.
Niall grabbed my collar and pulled me to him.
"Have him streak." he whispered. I smiled and pulled away.
"Good one Niall." I said.
"Hey no fair! You can't team up." Louis protested.
"It's okay. I think you'll like this one." I said.



I woke up the next morning and rolled over only to bump into a curly head of brunette hair. Harry. Wait, why was he in my bed. I rolled back over and looked about the room. This is Harry's room. I thought. I racked my brain trying to remember what happened last night. I panicked and threw the blankets off of me. Okay, still clothed.
Harry's eyes fluttered open as he moved closer to me. I seemed to freeze under his stare. His eyes were bloody amazing. Perfect shade of green with small specks of blue that made his eyes look grey in a certain lighting. I forced my eyes away from his and let them settle on his face as a whole. His very handsome face.
Wait, handsome? In a friendly kind of way. I thought. He smiled at me making my stomach flutter. What was he doing to me? I had never felt this way, especially around a boy.
"Good morning Nialler." Harry said in his raspy morning voice.
"Morning." I said.
He stretched his arms up above his head.
"What happened last night?" I asked.
He chuckled.
"You fell asleep on the couch so I carried you to bed but you woke up and told me that you wanted to sleep in my room." he said.
"I did?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"Yep." he said.
"Did I say anything else?" I asked as horror overcame me. Lately I couldn't trust myself around Harry. He was making me act different.
"No, I don't think so." he said climbing out of bed and moving so that he was in front of the mirror. I watched as he checked himself out, it was rather hot actually, to see him pleased with his appearance. He rubbed his hands across his bare chest and reached down to grab a  shirt from the floor. He sniffed it before he put it on. Just like him. I smiled and slid out of bed and stood up beside him staring into the mirror. He made me feel so insecure. He was just so perfect. His curly hair, his handsome face, his tanned skin, his fit body. And then there was me. Pale skin, skinny, pretty much just skin and bone, no muscle. I seriously couldn't see why girls thought I was attractive. Harry must've noticed what was going on because he moved in closer and put his finger under my chin making me look up at him.
"Wanna go to the gym with me today?" he asked. I smiled, he remembered.
I nodded and moved out of his reach.
"Alright." he said moving about his room gathering clothes for the gym.
"Meet you there in 5?" he asked referring to our private training room built especially for us. Although I had never used it. Liam and Harry were usually the only ones that went.
"Sure." I said and made my way over to my bedroom.
I glanced at my calendar on the wall, concert tomorrow and then another one on Wednesday. Wednesday was our last concert for our Up All Night Tour. I smiled at the thought of vacation. I changed into a pair of basketball shorts and an old tee shirt.
Harry was waiting for me when I got there.
"Run first?" he asked. I nodded. If there was something I was good at it was running. I took pride in my speed.
We spent the next hour working out and just having a right good time.
"You're going to be dead tonight." Harry said as we made our way down the hall.
"Because you just did all of that and we have rehearsal in an hour." he said smirking at me.
I groaned.
"Last one though, until we start working on our next tour." he said.
We split off for showers. I climbed into the shower and tried to push Harry out of my mind. Why was I thinking about him like that? Harry was my friend, my best mate. But right now it seemed as if I fancied him. Whenever he touched me my heart went into overdrive. And when he flirted with me, oh God, I could barely keep myself from jumping on him. And it all started with that one kiss. That kiss that I couldn't get out of my head since it had happened. The kiss that I hated and loved at the same time. It scared me because when we kissed I didn't want to pull away like I should've.
But I would never tell him that. Even if he did fancy me as well we could never work because being gay just wasn't accepted or allowed. I sighed and stepped out of the shower. I changed into another pair of basketball shorts and a razorback tank. I searched around for my favorite hat and finally gave up. I must have left it somewhere.
With Harry still intruding on my thoughts I opened up my laptop and logged onto twitter.
The first thing that I noticed was a tweet from one of my fans. - tumblr is killing me with all this Narry. @NiallOffical & @Harry_Styles get together already. I chuckled at he thought and pulled up a new tab. I made an account on tumblr and searched through all the stuff about Harry and I. It was crazy, the stuff that they were saying. There were so many people who already though that we were dating in secret.
"Niall, are you ready?" Harry asked barging into my room. I slammed my laptop shut and stood up.
"Yep, hey have you seen my hat?" I asked walking towards him.
"You mean this hat?" he asked picking it up off my bed post.
I chuckled and took it from him.
"Yeah, thanks." I said. He smiled and pulled out his phone. He texted a quick message as we made our way down the hall. I wanted to know who it was so badly. The whole way to the studio he was texting and it was really starting to get on my nerves.
"Who are you texting Haz?" I asked quietly as we walked into the rehearsal room.
"Caroline." he mumbled.
My heart sunk. But why should I worry? He was gay right?
"Phones please." Our Director said holding her hand out. We reluctantly gave up our phones and sat down on the floor to stretch.
Harry scooted closer so that his leg was against mine.
"I hate rehearsals." he whispered.
"Me too." I agreed.
"Alright let's go through the show as a whole we're only going to change a few things." Alyssa said. We nodded and grabbed mics from the table behind us.
We ran through the whole show and were dying by the time we had finished. We all shed our shirts and grabbed towels to wipe off the sweat.
"Hey Sexy." Harry said coming up beside me with a bottle of water in his hand. My heart stopped. Did he just call me sexy? Wait, why do I care? I don't.
"Hey." I said smiling up at him.
"Tired yet?"
I nodded. "I could fall asleep right now." I said.
"Good thing we're going home then." he said ruffling my hair. We all climbed into the van and I made sure to sit by Harry. I just couldn't seem to be away from him anymore. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, absentmindedly playing with my hair. I was so comfortable I could've fallen asleep but I didn't want to miss anything.
"Go to sleep Niall." he whispered.
I took a deep breath and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.
I heard him sigh making me feel quite pleased with myself.


Niall was still asleep when I finished making breakfast.
"I'll go wake Niall, help yourselves." I said.
Lou followed me down the hall and grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop.
"Kiss him." he said.
"Not yet." I told him. He rolled his eyes and let me on my way. I pushed his door open and smiled at his sleeping figure.
"Niall." I said. I reached down and shook him.
"Breakfast is ready."
He mumbled something and his eyes fluttered open. He smiled when his eyes met mine.
"Carry me!" he said reaching up for me. I smiled and grabbed him around the waist taking him by surprise. I held him bridal style and carried him all the way out tithe kitchen. Where we received a disapproving look from Liam and a confused stare from Zayn.
"What's going on between you two?" Zayn asked as he took a bit of his bacon. I put Niall down and grabbed him a plate from the cupboard.
"What do you mean?" I asked as Niall rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"You're acting strange around each other." Liam piped up.
I shrugged as I passed Niall the plate.
Niall filled it with food and sat down patting the space beside him for me to join. Liam eyed us dangerously as we ate. I knew I had to do something to throw him off otherwise they would find out about my secret and ruin things with Niall.
"So what are you lads doing today?" Louis asked.
"I'm going out with Caroline." I said.
"Back with her?" Liam asked.
"Yeah, we'll see how it goes." I said. He nodded and I turned to see Niall picking at his food with a hurt expression on his face.
Louis looked at me knowingly and stood up.
"I'll do the dishes." he announced.
Niall followed me into my room and shut my door behind us.
"Why are you going back out with her?" he asked.
"I'm not." I said.
"Then why-"
"So they'll get off our backs." I said as I pulled a clean shirt on over my head.
"What are you going to do then?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"Probably just drive around for a bit." I said.
"I'll go with you." he said.
"That's kinda against the point." I said.
"Right." he said awkwardly. I grabbed my phone and slid it into my pocket.
"See you in an hour, yeah?" I asked moving closer to him. I reached out and grabbed his waist pulling him until his hips were on mine. He moved in this time wrapping me in a hug. I nuzzled my head into his neck and sighed as his breath tickled my skin. He pulled back a little but I just wasn't having that. I reached down and squeezed his little sexy bum keeping him right up against me. He chuckled and finally let him pull away. He was as red as a tomato. I smirked and headed out the door.
After about an hour of doing nothing but thinking about Niall I made my way back to the house. When I got there I found Louis on the couch with Eleanor watching a movie.
"Where's Niall?" I asked as I threw my keys down on the kitchen counter.
He shrugged and winked a me.
I rolled my eyes and made my way to his room.

"Harry!" he said when he saw me he jumped up and threw his arms around my neck.

"Miss me?" I asked chuckling as I hugged him.

"More than you can imagine." He said.

I smiled and pulled away.

"Wanna do something before we have to get ready to leave?" I asked.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Whatever you want to do." 

"Write a song?" He asked.

"Alright, let's do it." 

He grabbed his guitar and we made our way down the hall to the studio.

"What should we sing about?" He asked.

I shrugged. 

"You're the song writer not me." I said.

He smiled and strummed a few notes on the guitar. It was kinda upbeat but still mellow.

"I like it." I said.

"Just sing something." He said still going with the notes.

"We've been best friends from the start and now I love you more than I did before and I don't know how to tell you..." I sang. And then I noticed what had come out of my mouth.

"It's good, keep going." Niall urged me on.

"I don't know..." 

"How about- When I see you my heart skips a beat, and you make me move my feet just to be right next to you."  He sang.

"I think we've got it." I said.

He smiled and we continued working on it. 

We ended up calling it Right Next to You, Niall's Idea.

"Who were you singing about?" Niall asked as he put his guitar back in it's case.

"Just someone." I said.

"Tell me." He said leaning in closer.


"Please?" He begged.

"No." I said smirking. He put his guitar and came and sat down on my lap one leg on either side of my lap. My heart with into overdrive. Since when did Niall act like this?

"Please?" He asked again in a near whisper as he trailed his fingers over my cheek.

"I don't know Niall..."

"You can trust me." He said coming even closer.

"If you come any closer I'm going to go crazy." I said.

"That's the point now tell me." He whispered.

"You." I mouthed as my heart protested from the crazy speed it was going.

His eyes went wide as he removed himself from my lap.

"Don't freak out..." I said reaching out for him but he took a step back.

"Niall." I said tears forming in my eyes.

"Kiss me." He whispered.


"Kiss me, Harry." He repeated.

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