58 | What are we?

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"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" Jin shrieked loudly through Taehyung's house when he was storming towards the door to go out and kill Suho, just like Jungkook had been doing earlier in that morning.

"Jin not you too! We need a plan. A good plan if we want this to work." Taehyung was running after Jin while Namjoon was plotting against Suho's head with Hoseok and Jungkook.

"We will make sure that he won't be able to lay even a finger on Yoongi just come here and help us." And Taehyung being Taehyung he started to cling on Jin's leg when he reached the boy, not letting him go. He could see the rage that everyone feared in Jin's face but he had to stay strong for Yoongi.

. . . . . . .

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you answer to me?" Jimin walked behind Yoongi who was staring himself from the bathroom mirror, not moving a single muscle, just staring his reflection. Jimin slowly and carefully wrapped his hands around Yoongi's waist while resting his chin to his shoulder.

"what are you looking at?"

"I can't see it" This confused Jimin, not understanding what the boy was talking about.

"What can't you see?"

Yoongi looked his bare chest and all the bruises and scars that covered his body before he answered to the warm boy behind him. "What makes you think I'm beautiful"

This just broke a smile on Jimin's face and he just had to nuzzle his face against Yoongi's neck before he quietly whispered his feelings to his ear. "Everything, you are the most beautiful creature that has ever walked on the face of the earth. No that's wrong, on the universe." He gave a gentle kiss to Yoongi's now beet red cheek "Just don't tell Jin hyung"

"Now let's go get you some clothes and food into your system." With a soft okay Yoongi let his hand to be held and their fingers to get intertwined when he followed Jimin, still embarrassed of last nights events, clearly remembering every moment of it and now wondering that did Jimin actually mean every word he had said to him. But for now Yoongi decided to enjoy this moment. Jimin right here, his hand tangled with his giving him the warmness he needed. In second, in this moment, Yoongi felt happiness. The lost happiness he had buried deep inside himself.

. . . . . . . . .

"So everyone understood the plan?" Namjoon was checking everyone's faces if they had understood what the plan was and if they had understood his explanation. Everything had to go perfectly or this wouldn't end well. The plan itself was perfect everyone just had to do their part right. And they still had to get Jimin in to it too. Jimin was key part with handling Yoongi.

With a quick nod everyone expressed that they knew what to do.

"So who is calling those fuckers? Remember we need Jimin away from Yoongi when we explain him this."

There was a sudden silence in the room when everyone were thinking of options. Everyones head turned towards Jungkook when he raised his hand and started to speak.

"I can ask Jimin to come here with Yoongi and distract the boy when I...... when I...."

"When you make up with him?" Taehyung asked, curious if the boy was going to keep his promise of only being childish for a day. He could see how this was hard to Jungkook 'cause he was always childish until the other participant apologizes, the bunny is never wrong, everyone else is.

he could see how Jungkook was biting his lip really hard, going an internal battle inside his head.

"Yeah" He finally said, looking defeated.

"Well that sounds like a plan to me! Now call to him" Hoseok was already pushing Jungkook's phone to him. Everyone were eager to get this plan on motion. They wanted to get Suho out of Yoongi's life for good.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Jimin was smiling from ear to ear while watching Yoongi eat the breakfast he had made to him. It just made him feel good to see that his baby was feeling good.

This thought however made Jimin's mind stop in the place. Was Yoongi his baby? He wanted him to be but he wasn't sure. He would have to ask from the boy but he didn't want to disturb this beautiful moment in front of his eyes.

But it was like Yoongi had read his mind when he asked, with his mouth full of food. "Jimin what are we?"


Am I mean if I leave it to this

probably not

Hope you liked this

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