15 | The morning

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Yay a double update

I decided to write little more, my sickness can't stop me, probably

But I wanted to give you something more to read because I was away for few days

So here we have part 15 now

I haven't proof read this and this one is a little short

But I Hope you like it

now to the story

. . .

Jimin's brain was still trying to grasp on what he was seeing. He didn't like it at all but now wasn't the moment to just stare the other. He slowly closed the running water. But he couldn't help himself, he just had to gently brush over every little bruise he could see. All the time mumbling something that no one could understand.

"Who would do this to you?" he breathed out after he had gone through all the bruises he saw. All Jimin had seen and still saw was the beautiful and lovable boy so he just couldn't bring himself to understand why someone would do this to Yoongi. 

With both of his hands he held Yoongi's head before resting their foreheads against each other. "I'm so so so sorry you had to go through this" He whispered so gently that it was almost impossible to hear.

Once he let go he watched Yoongi for a while. With sadness all over his mind Jimin took all of Yoongi's other wet clothes off from his body before he started to dry him him up with towels, only discovering even more bruises under the make up that hadn't washed off. He could see how the towel was getting full of make up that was hiding all this brutality under it. He just had to close his eyes for a little and shook his head. He couldn't handle it anymore. He slipped his other hand under Yoongi's knees and other under his back, slowly carrying him in bridal style towards his bed. He had laid Yoongi down there so gently, taking all his time not hurting him anymore, anywhere. Slowly he started to put the black t-shirt he had prepared onto Yoongi. Covering some of the bruises with it. 

Once he had clothed the other boy he put blanket over his body, not being able to watch anymore. Just seeing that body full of different kind of bruises and scars was so heart breaking. It made him want to cry.

He took his favorite blanket and wrapped himself inside it. He felt how his legs were giving up once again so he slowly sink to the floor, resting his head to his bed, right beside Yoongi. He felt the tears rolling down his eyes. He let it all out. This day had broken his heart many times in a so many different ways. He just cried and cried until he fell asleep on the floor, traces of the tears in his cheeks.

. . .

It was the next morning. Yoongi slowly opened his heavy eyelids. The light was blinding him momentarily but when his eyes got used to it he was confused. He didn't recognize his surroundings. New fear hit him, not knowing where he was. He slowly turned his head around but when he saw the rosegolden haired boys head it all disappeared. It just left like that. All was good once again. Jimin was there. 

He felt how a small smile crawled into his lips. Ah how he had dreamed of that fluffy hair the last few days. That had kept him sane while his father had abused him over and over and over again. He just had to touch it. It was so alluring, it was just calling Yoongi. Carefully he circled his whole body around Jimin's head before he nuzzled his nose into his hair. How soft and fluffy it was and that exotic, fruity smell it was emitting. Yoongi just loved it. He just wanted to bury himself into it. It was just so so so soft. He couldn't help himself of letting out a small voice of excitement. This was his euphoria. Jimin right there with him.

"Jimin" He breathed out slowly and gently, voice full of security now that he was around Jimin. While burying his face even more into the fluffiness on Jimin's hair he let few tears fall out. His other hand was playing with Jimin's hair. He was so in peace right now. Feeling his safe heaven there. Even though he didn't know when Jimin had become that. "Thank you for being here" He sobbed into Jimin's fluffy hair. Oh how he just loved that fluffy hair.

What Yoongi however didn't know was that Jimin had woken up when he felt someone moving in the bed but had frozen when he felt Yoongi burying his head into his Hair. He just couldn't make himself to move when he heard Yoongi talking so softly and how he heard the boy sobbing lightly there. He knew he needed to give him some time but when he heard Yoongi thanking him he couldn't stay still anymore. He just had to look into Yoongi's face. He turned his head slightly so that his eyes where looking straight into Yoongi's beautiful brown ones. He loved those beautiful jewels. He could see he had startled Yoongi so he gently pet his head, giving all the warmth to Yoongi. "I'm here like I promised" Jimin gave a little sad smile to Yoongi.

Yoongi had to take a deep breath in. Jimin was in front of his eyes after so long and he looked as beautiful as he remembered but he hated to see that sad smile in his lips. "And I'm thankful for that" Yoongi gave Jimin a small version of his gummy smile. Trying to wipe away that sadness he had inside him.

No one said anything after that. They just stayed like that for several minutes, just staring into each others eyes, admiring each other. But in the end Jimin finally got the courage to open his mouth "Yoongi...." he said with a little sad tone.

"Yeah?" Yoongi was trying his best to ignore the tone Jimin had used. He was playing with jimin's hair while he just kept staring into Jimin's eyes, he felt like he would happily just drown into them. All of his troubles would just be left behind. 

Jimin took one of Yoongi's hands into his and intertwined their fingers, sending all kind of sparkles and tingles through their bodies. The warmness that was spreading around both of the boys when they held each others hands, was filling both of them. It was trying to repair something. It was starting to create something.

"I just have to ask." He gulped slightly before holding slightly more tightly into Yoongi's hand, little scaring Yoongi. 

Yoongi was not feeling good about this. Knowing that Jimin was going to ask something he wasn't ready to answer. He just knew.

And then he heard it. The voice that was slightly broken when Jimin asked the one and only question he didn't want to hear from his mouth. It Just made him close his eyes. Not wanting to answer.

"Yoongi... What are all those bruises on your body"

. . .

I said this was going to be short and that this was

I hope there isn't many mistakes but seriously when you have a fever your brain isn't working well

At least mine isn't

I hope you liked this

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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