19 | Awkwardness

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Here we have part 19

Sorry it took so long to update

I kind was really tired and just didn't find any motivation to write for a while

I Hope you like this one

Now to the story

. . .

The two boys were sitting around Jimin's dining table in silence, enjoying some simple breakfast Jimin had prepared for the two of them. They had started to feel quite awkward around each other or embarrassed at least now that some time had gone by. Who wouldn't be at that moment. They had kissed and that if something can be embarrassing later. 

For time to time they stole secret glances of the other, remembering the sweet moment from morning but not daring to bring it up. 

Jimin was almost done with the food when he got some courage to speak with Yoongi, trying to get rid of the atmosphere. "So is the food good?" He took last bite of his food, not looking at the mint haired boy.

"Mmm, it's good" Yoongi spoke with some food in his mouth. It was muffling his voice little but Jimin still understood what the boy said.

He gave to himself a quick little smile which stayed in his lips a split second. "That's good" He got up and took his plate going towards the sink. "We are meeting with the others today. Is that okay to you?" Jimin started to wash all the dishes, same time waiting for Yoongi to finish his food, which seemed to take sometime. 

Yoongi didn't eat anymore, he was just moving it around the plate, only playing with it. Not that he didn't like the food or he wasn't feeling like eating it. He just was used to eat less and sometimes not eating at all so this food that Jimin had done to him was really fulling and he kind of hated not being able to eat all of it. 

"Yeah it's okay for me but can you just promise me not to tell the others" Now Yoongi looked straight into Jimin's eyes, begging him with his eyes to keep quiet.

Yoongi could see Jimin letting a small sigh escape and he could see that Jimin would want to tell the others but he just nodded slightly to Yoongi. "If that's what you really want"

"Yes, yes it is. I really didn't want you to find either" Yoongi said with a voice that had a little sadness and irritation in it . He turned away from Jimin and let go of the fork before getting out of the table and walking away from Jimin

"Yes I know that. I can see it" Jimin just quietly replied after Yoongi, cleaning the table and the rest of the food that were still on the plate. 

If the mood earlier was awkward from the kiss now it was awkward because neither of them were able to talk to each other. Jimin was worried he would say something wrong and Yoongi was just annoyed of himself and everything, not Jimin but everything else. He knew if he would open his mouth now he would say something hurtful to Jimin so Yoongi just decided to stay quiet.

. . .

It had already been few hours since the silence had fallen upon the two. Neither had even tried to speak to the other and had left them alone to do whatever they were doing. 

Jimin was watching a movie and Yoongi was just surfing in the internet with his phone. It was killing both of them not being able to talk to the other but they also were both really stubborn to first start to talk and possibly to say sorry too. They weren't going to give up. 

For the next thirty minutes it was still the quiet atmosphere around them but Yoongi had slowly gotten closer to Jimin who was sitting on the couch. Even if he wasn't going to talk to the other he still wanted to be close to him, so inch by inch he got next to him. and now practically he was leaning his head to Jimin's shoulder. 

Jimin was pretending to watch the show but actually he was watching what Yoongi was doing and to him it was quite hilarious. Even if Yoongi seemed cold and strong but actually in deep inside he seemed to be this fragile and sweet boy who yearned for the closeness of Jimin for now. When Yoongi finally leaned his head to Jimin's shoulder he could feel how the corner of his mouth was twitching, almost getting a small smile and laughter out of him. 

They stayed like that until it came to the time that they should start to go and leave for Jungkook's place. 

This time the boys had decided to go to Jungkook's place 'cause it seemed to be the closest for most of them. 

Jimin was just putting some casual clothes, white t-shirt, black jeans, black beanie and glasses  while on other hand he could see Yoongi who was still in his grey shirt and boxers. 

Jimin could see how Yoongi started his process of covering all the bruises. He could see how used to the boy was to it and how effortlessly he could hide all of them, to naked eyes it actually seemed like there was none of them in his skin but now Jimin knew better. He knew that under all that there was the broken boy. 

He slowly approached Yoongi from behind. He noticed that the boy was covering the marks in his neck and Jimin just couldn't help but hug Yoongi from behind. He carefully nuzzled his nose to the other boys neck before mumbling to himself. 

Yoongi just watched the gesture from the mirror before patting Jimin's head. "I need to cover the rest of them. Can you just give me little more space" Jimin did what the other asked from him but never moved his head away from his neck, just giving little more space to Yoongi. He could hear Yoongi snickering little and the word childish escaping from his mouth but Jimin didn't care he just wanted to stay there. Yoongi slowly started to cover the rest of the bruises while still snickering of Jimin's childishness.

. . .

Hope you liked this

Also what is your favorite song from the new BTS Answer album

I'm in between with I'm fine, Seesaw and full version of Serendipity

Until next time

Hopefully sooner

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