38 | Back To School

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Jimin was staring Yoongi. That's all he had been able to do when the boy walked out of the bathroom with Hoseok and Jin. All he saw was how soft and beautiful the boy looked but at the same time he had this edgy look into him. That new hairstyle had done wonders to the boy and Jimin just couldn't stop drooling after him.

"Close your mouth Jimin. I can see the drool starting to flow out of your mouth" Jungkook pushed Jimin's mouth close that had been open quite a while already.

Jimin gulped down the saliva in his mouth before giving a lopsided smile to the boy before returning to his new hobby. Staring Yoongi and his new cold toned white hair.

. . .

It was 7:30Am in the morning and Jimin was having a problem with Yoongi. The boy had promised to go school today with him but it seemed almost impossible to get him actually leave the apartment.

"Yoongi come on. We need to leave or we will be late" Jimin had started to lose his patience when the boy did all he could to slow down the process of leaving. Right now he was tying his shoelaces as slowly as possible.

"I'm almost done" Yoongi knew he would have to leave the apartment and go to school but it just scared him. Not the outside world or the school itself but what was inside of it. Suho. He wasn't still ready to see him again. But he had to go to school. For his mental health it wasn't good to be locked in one place all the time and he also had to graduate one day.

With a long sigh Yoongi stood straight and put his school bag to his shoulder and locked his gaze with Jimin for few seconds. "I'm ready, let's go." Before stepping out into the world after weeks.

. . .

The walk to the school had been quiet in Yoongi's department. Jimin on the other hand had kept talking and telling all the things that had happened in the school. Who had started dating, who the new teachers or substitutes were, students who had gotten suspended or expelled. In reality, Yoongi wasn't even listening the boy. He just kept thinking that with every step he was closer to school and Suho.

At some point Hoseok and Taehyung had joined their group while walking towards the school but once again Yoongi didn't notice at all. The other boys had noticed his mind being out in somewhere else but didn't bother asking, thinking that it was just anxiety of being outside once again after everything.

Once Yoongi could see the gates of his school he halted into a stop. This was it. He was going back there. He just had to take few more steps and he would be in the school ground. Few more steps and he would be in the same building with Suho. Was he panicking? Hell yeah. Did he show it in his face? No, he did mask it. Not wanting to make the others worry about him.

"You coming" Taehyung asked when he noticed that Yoongi had stopped walking and was now staring the school.

This woke the boy up from his thoughts and made him take those steps towards the place he hadn't missed at all. He made his fake smile before answering to the others. "Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming"

. . .

Yoongi would be lying to himself if he said that the classes weren't hard. He couldn't keep up with the others at all in his classes and usually he could grasp everything easily, just like that. Well this is what happens when not being able to go to school for months. But he was going to change it. He was going to get back onto his feet and catch everyone, sooner or later.

For now he had been in school few hours. His third period had just ended which meant that it was time for lunch. He had been so happy being lucky enough not to run into Suho at all. He was little excited to go to lunch and be with the guys, since he last saw them before first class. He only shared one class with some of them and today he didn't have it so only time when he could see the others were lunch and breaks between classes.

He was already seeing the cafeteria when he felt someone grabbing his hand and pulling him into an empty hallway and press him into one of the walls.

"Well look who we got here" That voice hit him hard. He could recognize it anytime, anywhere and he could say with confidence he hadn't missed it at all.

"Isn't it little miss Min Yoongi" Suho said with smirk plastered in his face while looking into Yoongi who was now frozen with fear in his eyes.

. . .


What did you think about part 38?

Is it okay?

I hope it is

I wrote finished writing this part when clock is almost 5Am

my school start in about 3h and I'm tired AF

I also should be reading to my English matriculation examination

I'm scared I will screw it up or my English isn't good enough and that I will get a bad grade from it

Also my test week starts right after it

I'm a mess right now 


Until next time

Hopefully soon

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