18 | First Kiss

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Okay here we have 18

This one will be shorter one too

I'm thinking of starting to do only shorter ones that will focus only at one thing at time but we will see

Probably going back to the longer ones and more frequent uploads when I get used to the school life

I Hope you still like this

Now to the story

. . .

Yoongi was dead frozen. His brain couldn't handle what was happening. He didn't understand what was happening. Why was Jimin kissing him? He couldn't understand why Jimin would do that. Why the boy would kiss him, espesially on to his lips. 

Yoongi could feel the warm, soft, plump lips of Jimins against his. To him it didn't matter why it was happening. It was and he liked every moment of it. Every little feeling of Jimins lips against his. It actually made Yoongi's heart skip a few beats. He couldn't wrap his finger around what the feeling was but he actually could feel the 'butterflies' in his stomach. This was something magical to him. He closed his eyes slowly, remembering every little aspect  of Jimin before his eyes were completely shut. All he did now was to enjoy the moment. It was something fragile but at the same time it was something perfect.

. . .

Jimin was starting to feel a panic pushing through his mind. He felt like maybe he had actually  done a big mistake after all. What if Yoongi hated it. The boy hadn't responded to the kiss at all and Jimin could feel that he was frozen, not doing anything. He surely now felt like he shouldn't have done that at all. 

He started to take his lips away from Yoongi, feeling disappointed in himself. He didn't want to do anything that the other boy wouldn't like. Right when the moment came when the cold air was starting to touch their lips from the small separation Jimin felt hands in his shirts collar. He opened his eyes little to see Yoongi hanging in his shirt. He smiled slightly when he felt Yoongi pulling him hurriedly back towards his lips. Once Jimin laid his lips back onto Yoongi's lips he heard the pleased sigh escaping Yoongi's lips. This was all Jimin needed, To know if the boy liked it or not.

. . .

Yoongi just wanted to feel them little more. Those soft plump lips, tasting little like cherry. He wanted to taste them more. They were new kind of drug to Yoongi. Something entirely different and so delicious. Something that also shut his mind completely. He just needed those soft lips against his, so he pulled them back to him. He didn't want to lose the feeling yet

. . .

This time they didn't just stay there motionless, now they had little more courage. Jimin was first to start moving his lips against Yoongi's, waiting for the other boy to answer into it. When he did they slowly started to move their lips together, like testing each other, slowly getting in sync with each other. Jimin noticed Yoongi tilting his head little so their kiss would slide smoother, so that the kiss would slowly find their perfection. The kiss was slow and delicate, full of unspoken and hidden feelings. Slowly the lips found their perfect places, the perfect angle just for the two of them, molding in together, like they were supposed to be that way, like they were supposed to be together, like they were the two missing pieces of the big puzzle.

Jimin slowly detached his lips from Yoongi. He could swear that the moment when his lips left Yoongi's he heard some cute little whimpering from the boy for the lost of contact. Their hearts were beating like crazy. This little session was something that made both of them feel out of breath but at same time like they were flying in the sky. There were sparks flying all around them. Jimin's hands in Yoongi's cheeks send shivers all over the boys body. Both of them still wanted just a little bit more, they just wanted to feel and taste each other a little more. They were craving for more. That single thought made them feel even more light headed. The thought of their lips together was something exciting. It was like they were slowly getting drunk from each other.

"That was something else" Jimin said with little more heavier voice from all the kissing. They had probebly been doing it for few good minutes until Jimin felt out of breath. Now he was mumbling right above Yoongi's lips sending vibration from his voice through Yoongi. Oh how the other boy loved it. He quietly hummed yes back to Jimin, not daring to move his lips or they might 'accidentally brush something. Yoongi slowly fluttered his eyes open looking on to Jimin.

. . . 

Jimin had to admit he loved watching those chocolate brown orbs. They just looked so delicious that he wanted to eat them up. Well if the truth was told he wanted to eat all of Yoongi but those chocolate orbits were his favorites. Jimin just couldn't help the temptation, he had to give Yoongi a one quick peck to his lips before he finally let go of the boy.

Jimin felt how there was suddenly a hand around his wrist "No.... Just little bit more" He could hear the pout in Yoongi's voice. This made him smile softly. How could he ever resist the boy. It was just so addictive to him.

"Not now." He tried to sound determined and turned to look Yoongi again "But maybe later" He gave a quick wink to the boy who suddenly felt heat rising onto his cheeks. Jimin got out of the bed and started to walk towards the kitchen. "Right now you need breakfast" and like it was summoned he heard Yoongi's tummy grumbling from hunger.

. . .

Okay this was short one... sorry

Are you guys exited about the new BTS song that will be released in about 12 hours

I know I am

I Hope you liked this

Until next time

Hopefully soon

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